#I'm WAY past being economic with the block button
shinidamachu · 3 years
Someone on the Inuyasha subreddit had the audacity to claim that InuKag deserved that sealing because “they’re too hot-headed and impulsive to handle this.” 🥴 Yes as if always perfectly composed, ever stoic, Lord Edgelord has NEVER made his share of mistakes or acted without thinking (as seen here coincidentally enough) CLEARLY InuKag, the people who actually willingly put their lives on the line for others aren’t to be trusted with such a delicate task, no let’s leave it all up the guy who chooses to destroy everything in his way without a second thought rather than ever once risk his own hide for the sake of others, that’s a great idea! /s
Apparently InuKag being “just too hot-headed & tempermental” was a good enough reason for them to be separated from their daughter for 14 years and for her to grow up enslaved and thinking she’s an orphan. 🥴🥴🥴
I think it's very brave of them to be that stupid in public. Once you allow yourself to be that dumb, you're no longer restrained by the laws of logic or common sense. The sky's the limit. And that's the level of freedom I aspire to achieve: to be as unintelligent as I want. No pressure. No strings attached. Not a single thought on my brain.
So yeah. On one hand, I feel sorry for them. It must be exhausting and embarrasing, having to constantly come up with poor ass excuses to justify the abismal writing of this show just because you're in too deep and can't admit it sucks ass. Especially when their earlier theory was that Sesshomaru had sealed Inukag to... wait for it... protect them and then this got debunked in favor of "no, actually he is just that much of a dick."
On the other hand, ignorance is bliss. I wish I, too, could live like them: completely out of touch with reality. Critical thinking is overrated and having standards is a prison. But alas, I'm quite aware that Inuyasha and Kagome — the most selfless and empathetic characters of the whole original show — being deus ex machina away had nothing to do with how "hot headed" and "impulsive" they were and everything to do with the fact that if they hadn't, the plot would have been resolved within twenty minutes and the side characters wouldn't get a chance to shine.
Not to mention that if Sunrise had left them out of it altogether as they should, they wouldn't be able to use Inukag as bait to keep the shippers invested and the public reception would have been even worse.
But hey! At least they do look happy being clowned. Which is more than I can say for myself.
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