#I'm a big saver of images. if i see something that makes me feel anything
transgender-catboy · 10 months
Okay is it weird that I have an inspiration folder full of art that I like?
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goron-king-darunia · 2 years
Annon-Guy: 1. How's progress on the Shawl? 2. Do you still have the Syphonia/RWBY BBTAG interactions in you Ask Box? 3. I hope you liked my Tales Of fighting game idea video.
Hit a snag. The yarn I wanted to use seemed like a big ball of thin yarn so I thought it would work, but I underestimated how big the shawl was. So I tried to buy more but the colors I'm looking for just... don't exist? This is gonna trigger an unskippable cutscene. Sorry. I am full of stories.
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I tried to color correct the pic so you can see the colors as they look to me in real life since my room lighting is bad. But let's start at the beginning.
Be me, age 11-13. Taught how to knit from the young age of 5 with more freedom to spend my own funds on craft stuff once I got to the double digit ages. Dollar Stores and craft stores are on practically every corner (along with video game stores, both of which I miss.) Buy tons of novelty yarns in bulk from places like Big Lots and Michaels with my spending money because they're pretty and I am an ADHD hoarder who may as well be a dragon. Have pretty yarn for years that I'm too nervous to use because I want to use them on something good. Wind the yarn into balls to fit the storage bin better. Forget I own umpteen billion yards of yarn. Move on to sewing as a hobby and buy the crap out of fabrics and Joanne's, barely make the head and arms of a Tails Plush because you couldn't win one at the faire that set up in your neighborhood for a week. Rinse and repeat for several hobbies. Spend most of the time gaming.
Become adult. Realize your home is a mess and at least a little of that is your fault. Get on a cleaning spree to at least organize your things. Start finishing old projects like the Tails Plush because it feels good. Use finishing projects as a reward for cleaning because unlike video games as a reward, you actually keep tidying if you aren't distracted by the other stuff on the computer and only have minimal distractions of meatspace. Clean out a box with some white yarn and find a half-finished knitting project along with instructions. Realize you have no idea what row you're on so you frog the project (unravel the yarn) and start over. Use the knitting as a reward for cleaning. Realize that hey, this pattern is cute and it's summer and, at the rate you're knitting, you could probably complete the whole afghan in time for Christmas to make a Christmas present for your partner. Knit as a reward and during free time (except when you get wildly absorbed in Eggtober.) Succeed in making a cute, heart-themed afghan for your bae. Look for other patterns to make for other friends and family so I can use up this metric ton of yarn. Decide on a cute shawl pattern. Find a pretty ball of yarn that seems big enough. Start shawl. I will refer you back to the image above.
The bottom bit is the shawl I started and the top one is the shawl I'm working on since the new colors don't match the old colors. See, shopping for yarn can be hard, especially if you're like me and don't keep the tags the yarn comes with (I am filled with REGRET. Why would younger me toss those out?) The bottom yarn's colors are, to me, magenta, lavender, blue, and turquoise, primarily Magenta and Turquoise. So I figured "This is a pretty distinct set of colors, I can't find the tags but I can probably find these colors..." So I search online. The first thing comes up is the Red Heart Super Saver Bon Bon print yarn. Colors are hard to tell online but they look similar enough and none of the other yarn that comes up seems close. But I don't want to buy without checking, you know? So I go Michaels near my house to see if they have that brand and print or anything similar. They do not. So I go to Walmart which supposedly has that brand of yarn in that print. I do not find it and the closest thing I find is too saturated. So I go to Joannes and their selection is better but still no luck. Bon Bon doesn't exist anywhere near me to compare it to and all the other yarns just aren't the right colors. Decide to just buy Bon Bon yarn online since it looks cute and it might be the correct colors. Yarn arrives in mail. Yarn is the right brand and print but alas, Bon Bon is not the correct color. Bon Bon is Bubblegum Pink, Hot/Neon Pink, Cotton Candy Blue, and Sky Blue.
Decide that if the yarn is this hard to find, it probably doesn't exist anymore. Admit defeat and resolve to just make the shawl with Bon Bon print instead.
Not sure what I will do with the original pretty yarn. May make it a scarf and carry it with me on the off chance I find something with the right colors to match with it. Either way, it won't be wasted, I just can't make a shawl that's completely that color. Maybe I'll frog it back a tiny bit so it's at the start of a row instead of the middle and just complete the shawl with a neutral color like white so that I have a shawl with those pretty colors. I still think that could look nice. Or maybe I'll frog it all the way back and make something else like a central motif square on another afghan? Who knows?
All I know for sure is that I currently cannot complete my initial shawl that I first started, so I'm doing the same pattern in Bon Bon because I ordered enough yarn for it and it's still kind of cute. Might gift this one to my mom since she's cold often or I might make another for her in some other colors I have? I recently saw this cute Yggdrasil Poncho pattern circulating on Tumblr that I might want to try. It looks like it works well as a pattern for several different colors of yarn. Like I said, younger me bought lots of novelty yarns, but in small quantities, so that mostly lends itself to granny squares, small projects, or things like this that incorporate many colors. Point being, I have lots of unusual yarns to make use of so what started as a reason to use up old yarn ended up with me buying more. Like a doofus. Because they probably don't make the color combo I'm looking for anymore.
2. Probably. It's most likely just buried in my ask box. 3. I do like the idea! I just haven't finished watching the video yet because my attention span is GARBAGE.
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