#I'm a virgo🤪😇
PSA for the poor unfortunate souls who may encounter me in the next few weeks.
I've recently discovered Helluva Boss and I will now be quoting my favorite lines for the foreseeable future.
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pollyoxycotrain · 2 years
1. What do you like about your Sun Sign and what don’t you like?
Answer: "I'm not sure" ~ Libra
2. What are the positive and negative aspects of your Sun Sign that you display? 
Answer: I'm a libra and I find because I have Ascendant, Sun, Moon, and Mercury all in libra, I find I lack direct (worst part) but I do have a very exploratory mindset (best thing) I find I'm often redesigning.
3. Like about your Moon Sign and dislike?
Answer: (Libra Moon) I try to take the most peaceful side for everyone, but I find if it doesn't work I get extremely upset (Mars conjunct IC) but I also never know what I want...
4. Positives and negatives of your Moon Sign that you display? 
Answer: Devil's Advocate, Indecisive, Peace Loving, Listener.
6. Do you get along with people who share your Sun Sign?
Answer: I find this question more so irrelevant, as I find Sun sign doesn't matter as much as Moon sign does, so yes and no, I've had a best friend with Libra sun (Not sure his moon) and we never fought or argued, just either try to understand each other or agree to disagree, whereas I had another friend who was Libra Sun (Pisces Moon) and we had a TON of laughs and great adventures but I can't stay how he reacts to things with ignorance and is highly selfish, which I've noticed a lot of Pisces Moon's are bitchy.
7. What are your relationships like with those with Signs opposite to you? 
Answer: Aries, like I said, I mean, Aries Sun's I've always had a good time with, but it all depends more so on the moon sign, one of my bestfriends has Aries Sun (Sagittarius Moon) we never fight, my older brother has Aries Sun (Aquarius Moon) we have gotten snippy with each other, but we don't fight, I know (Aquarius Moon) has a harder time expressing emotions, unless it's that exhausted, quiet, annoyed aura they give off, so again I've had a decent time, though a bad example is my friend had Aries Sun (Scorpio Moon) and we've had a TON of great times same with my Pisces moon friend, but Scoprio moon I found was a total piece of shit when it came to anything to do with Money and Material items...
8. What Sign do you get along with best?
Answer: I'm not too sure, I like Aries Sun, but I get tired of Aries Moon Quickly, I LOVE other Libra Moons, But Libra Suns it's 50/50, but if anything Gemini (not sun) And Aries Ascendants, Aries and Sagittarius Suns, Libra and Aquarius Moons.
9. Worst?
Answer: I don't like to hate everyone just because of a placement, but if I had to pick one that I could stay away from (BUT STILL HAVE THEM EXIST) Definitely Scorpio Moon, I find they are truly beautiful Genius people, they are funny, but they are reckless sometimes, but the biggest thing is Scorpio Moon is EXTREMELY Loyal, but if you fuck up or do anything against them, they are cunts, and they love to control whatever is happening, they care a lot about material things (which isn't bad, it just annoys me after awhile), but they're the type of fuckers to know EVERY little detail about whatever they are intrested in.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Pisces Moon, Leo Sun and Moon (Leo Mars 😝 and Rising 😎)
10. Favorite Sign in Sun?
Answer: Honestly this is gonna be long and weird but, Definitely Aries no questions, but why do I get tired of aries moon? Love Gemini Risings, but Gemini Suns i feel weird around...anyway, ARIES 😈
HONORABLE MENTION: Pisces Sun 🤪 Taurus Sun 😇 Aquarius Sun 🤔
11. In Moon?
Answer: Libra 3°
12. Rising?
Answer: Libra 19°
13. Venus?
Answer: Virgo 29°
14. Are you interested/do you believe in Synastry or Astrological Compatibility? 
Answer: I really do, it has helped me understand a lot about my personal relationships, so yes, I find them accurate.
15. What’s your Astrological OTP?
Answer: I'm not sure, I love to look at placements from Rising, Sun down to Mars so idk, but if just Sun Signs, I think maybe Virgo and Capricorn...
16. What pair do you think is the worst?
Answer: Again, I'm not sure, maybe Gemini and Sagittarius, I feel like that's a pair I don't like seeing together, I feel like they could be horrible people towards each other if they had the wrong moon signs....I find Sagittarius can be more Two Faced than any sign, and I find Gemini just wont take abuse and I find they argue a lot, they get deeply disturbed by others, whereas I feel like Sagittarius only cares about themselves and their favorite person or s/o.
17. What Sign have you had the most success with romantically?
Answer- Surprisingly my ex with Scorpio Sun, I'm like 69% Libra, Rising, Sun, Moon, Mer with Venus Virgo, and Mars in Cap, She had Scorpio Sun, and Taurus Moon....my dad has Taurus moon and she really reminded me of him.
18. The least?
Answer: For Sun none! Moon Definitely Scorpio and Pisces.
19. Are you attracted romantically to a certain Sign?
Answer: Yes, all the ones I shouldn't be attracted to...PISCES 🤯 Scorpio 😍
20. Platonically?
21. What do you like about your Venus Sign?
Answer: Like I Said before I see no bad signs, I just think the signs may have an unconventional effect, but none are the worst, even scorpio moon (I dislike spending too much time with them, but AMAZING acquaintance) I do have a hard time showing intimacy (venus) but no problem showing affection (moon) so I'm not sure, I have virgo 29° venus so honestly I don't know...
22. Dislike?
Answer: Unsure, I find I have trouble with intimacy, but that's not the sign, more of my Degree in 29°
23. If you could have any Venus Sign what would it be?
Answer: Ouu, Okay so, Probably Cancer or Aquarius.
24. Have you ever compared your chart to another’s to see if the two of you were compatible? 
Answer: Literally all the time, more so platonic than romantic because I'm hardly in romantic relationships.
25. Were there any surprises for you in your birth chart?
Answer: No not really, it all makes sense to me.
26. If you could change any part of your chart what would it be?
Answer: I think about this everyday I'm messing with Astrology, and I don't know, I have a lot of great but also horrible placements, but honestly, for sure Chiron in 3rd, that one bugs me so much, but idk where I'd rather have it.
27. What are the Signs of your friends? What is the dynamic like?
Answer: Ha! Okay so, my sun is Libra 22° and I find the most important people in my life have always been or had Capricorn Traits, I find with Capricorn as long as we are respectful of each other, it's truly amazing, even though we see the world in drastically different ways, we both can sit and appreciate the others views. So Capricorn 8/10 😉 Aries 9/10 🤩 (I find if we argue it is more of a debate than anything, we really sit and try to understand each other and we truly keep each others advice in mind) Sagittarius 7/10 (Either we're REALLY HOT AND YOU KNOW WHAT 😝 or we're cold..... this is a sign I would probably only have sex with if I was into hooking up, I think there could be a beautiful Libra - Sag love life, but I just think they're the sun sign at least is WAY too 50/50 for me, either I love them or strongly dislike them.)
28. Your parents’ Signs? What is the dynamic like?
Answer: My Dad is a Virgo Sun, Taurus Moon, and we have our differences but I'll ALWAYS love my dad, though I think growing up we were SO CLOSE, until I was a teenager and I moved in with him (my parents are split) and I felt it was more about me becoming responsible rather than doing spending time with the family (but I had abuse from my mothers husband, that made me hide away in my room even at my Dad's so it's partially my fault for the distance between us, but that is my guy, I love my dad! 😃) My Mother is Cancer Sun, Aries MOon, I Love my mother dearly, but I just don't know how to explain it, I feel better when were only see each other less than often, I just find after awhile her energy wares me down, because she's kinda chaotic (not in a bad sense at all, she's not crazy or anything, she just rushes everywhere and was more displeased with my failings than my Dad, so even though somehow she did spoil us when she even had no money, I think I just get exhausting tryna keep up with her, but I love my mama...😊)
29. Your current or most recent partner’s Sign? What is the dynamic like?
Answer: Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon, honestly, she's an Angel, I love her lots and we have a very frustrating relationship more because of myself, but I loved EVERY single second I spent with her, felt at home, but I was scared of her, I felt like I needed to live up to something I was far too mature to live up to, and I felt like it was one of those right person wrong time moments, she'll always have her own spot in my heart, deep down that's mah gurl, but now I do more so just treat her as a sister because I don't think we'll ever be in that kinda relationship again, even if she wanted to I don't think I'd be comfortable trying again....and I honestly don't know why, I felt like she was definitely someone I was destined to meet though.
30. Do you believe gender influences Astrology?
Answer: I'm not sure about that at all, I don't see where that plays into anything.
31. Are you interested in Western, Eastern, and/or Vedic Astrology?
Asnwer: I'm more so obviously into Western, but I have read about Vedic and I think it's intresting, I once heard the western birth chart is more so how your life plays out, whereas Vedic is your souls/true self chart....not sure if that's true or not though.
32. What House placement has helped you the most in life?
Answer: Honestly, probably my Sun Conjunct Ascendant, I feel like I've always been unique in a sense probably more so coming from my (Uranus and Neptune in 4th house) but I think my alien
33. Hurt you the worst?
Answer: Fully fucking honesty....alot, some are less weaknesses than others because I feel like they might not be the nest but I find the uniqueness of the placement like Uranus in 4th and Moon in 12th, I've always felt alien, had dreams, feelings I was from another world or just felt like earth it's self felt like a second home, ive felt unwelcome here, but ive always lived the world...(Sun 1st house trine Uranus 4th house, might make it more easier to deal with?) Though Never felt bad about this, Staurn in 8th house I just have a lot to learn I think, but IC Capricorn, Chiron in 3rd (I was always put in an assistance room in school, and I remember the Educational assistant fought he principal to put me back into a normal class but instead the school enforced that I had a learning disability when in reality I just never did work or learned because I slept or listen to music at school to take a break from my problems at home) Neptune in 4th (alot of my family has abandoned me) Lilith in 5th house....this one I dont hate at all I love it all the way. But look at this lilith in 5th house, venus in virgo 29° in 12th house, moon in 12th, Saturn in 8th house.....no wonder I cannot commit to a relationship and sabotage it once it starts, I have a hard time expressing myself with all of these, but I still think chiron in 3rd fucked me up too much, I had nothing, not even an Education.....
34. Do you believe Astrology determines our destiny or that we still have free will?
Answer: I think it sorta plays into the whole destiny thing, but honestly, you could change if you want to....i mean idk...I find it hard to change myself yet I reinvent myself every few years so idk man....
35. Do you believe in Astrological Soulmates?
Answer: To a point yes, but I'm still learning so maybe that's not true, I think if you're strong enough you can make anything work....
36. How seriously do you take Astrology?
Answer: Seriously, it's a religion and I realize that, but, I'm not so set in STONE about everything....I'll definitely check astro shit of those around me....and keep an eye, not judge, but just to see if their lives actually check out to their chart and most really do.
37. Have you ever felt skeptical of Astrology?
Answer: Yes, and even though in my core part of my soul I truly believe in it, I still always question everything about it, it's healthy to always stay a bit skeptical Especially about what you yourself believe in.
38. Do you worry about Retrogrades?
Answer: No not at all, that's just apart of life, you don't need to brace yourself every time there is a tornado warning....at least where I live...we get warnings but none of us actually brace ourselves unless we know it's COMING COMING.
39. Do you consider Astrology when planning for your future?
Answer: Yes, I wouldnt say Astrology is the motivation behind all my career and relationship motives, but it's funny to keep an eye on it for that...just to see you know?
40. Do you feel like people take Astrology too seriously or not seriously enough?
Answer: doesn't matter, only matters if I believe in it, why fight or look down on someone if they believe someone, it's just a religion, something to give us hope I guess.
41. Is Astrology a large part of your life?
Answer: Yes, a HUGE part, I think it's just because I'm always searching for some kinda answer to something....
42. Can you relate better to your Dominant or Sun Sign?
Answer: Ha! Good thing my dominant is my sign sun so uh.....
43. What Element is Dominant in your Chart?
Answer: Air Baby!!
44. Are you the type who always asks for other’s Signs?
Answer: I was really bad for this along time ago, but I will still ask, just not as much....why do you think I add everyone on snap of most things! 😂😉
45. Feelings on Ophiuchus?
Answer: Unsure, I've always thought I was cool, but not sure where it fits in....
46. What do you like and dislike about the tumblr Astro community?
Answer: dislike nothing about it, honestly, tumblr of all sites surprisingly has the best information in my opinion.
47. Do you have a favorite Astro blog?
Answer: Not at the moment, though I follow a few good ones.
48. What do you think about Zodiac stereotypes?
Answer: Depends, uneducated people joking about sun signs is cringe, but meh, I just ignore it at this point.
49. What’s your Astrology forte? Relationships, careers, etc.
Answer: Literally everything.
50. Do you believe in any other “pseudoscience”/occult practices?
Answer: No, Not at all! 😆😉
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