#I'm also accutely aware that if I don't don something with my WIPS
mrbexwrites · 2 months
Making a small accountability post to make myself actually do what I have been aiming to do for 2024. Mainly because I've managed to weaponise my own procrastination into avoidance behaviour. Which isn't great.
I started this blog a couple of years ago to work up the courage to share my WIPs rather than having them languishing in my google drive. Last year, I took a massive step (for me) and shared my work with some beta readers, and had really helpful & constructive criticism. Based on that feedback, I've been working on my editing skills and rewriting parts of my WIP to get it to the place where I want it to be.
I'd set myself an arbitrary goal of when I get x number of followers, then I'd make an account on Wattpad and actually upload part I of Memento Mori. I'm now quite close to that random, arbitrary number of followers, and this is where the avoidance behaviour has set in.
So yeah, my making my intentions public, I'm hoping that this will spur me on to meet my own goal, because I feel that if I don't make the next leap soon, I'm never going to move forward as a writer.
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