#I'm also not sure if Groovy would drink alcohol-
slimey-wallz ยท 5 months
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I just found out that there's a such thing as a swedish fish mojito, like what?? ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’•
Actually it's really cute, especially the little Nerds
It's like a kids adult beverage
Heres the AMAZING creator of the AU!
๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’•@jazzzzzzhands ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’—
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mostlymarvelgirl ยท 2 years
I'm A Telepath Too, Love. (Part 2)
[Charles Xavier X Alternate Universe OC]
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Part 1
Did I think it through before meeting Charles Xavier? Nope. I didn't have a clue on how to go about my story. I feel like I'm in a fanfiction position where the reader is contemplating their feelings. This wasn't fanfiction, unfortunately. Or maybe it is. Who knows? I have to get to him before I miss out due to daydreaming mind. It did work, though. Daydreaming took my mind off the voices. I couldn't hear anyone when I was too focused on my thoughts.
I kept walking like some crazy pilgrim to reach the "heavens." He was definitely "heavens" though. I finally entered the bar. It was the exact same one from the movie. But I wasn't quite sure whether this was going to be the scene before or after he became the professor. I'm hoping that this is not after the after him becoming a professor. Cause I don't wanna meet the drunk charles, and I might ruin the Moira meeting Charles thingy.
The doorbell chimed when I entered. A wave nausea passed through me as I could smell alcohol and moisture. Another wave of excitement filled me when I saw Raven. Yes, you heard me. It was HER. Holy hell, my bisexual senses were tingling.
Meanwhile, this scene was going on which I had completely missed due to my bisexual tingles.
"Heterochromia.", Charles stated to the woman.
"A gentleman would at least offer to buy me a drink first.", the woman replied pretending to be not enamored by his accent and was playing hard to get.
"Heterochromia is in reference to your eyes, which I have to say are stunning. One green, one blue. It's a mutation. It's a very groovy mutation. I've got news for you, Amy. You are a mutant.", Charles stated his usual lines to get her interested, which seemed to get her attention.
"First you proposition a girl and then you call her deformed. How is that seduction technique working for you?", she asked with a tinge of hatred.
"I'll tell you in the morning.", he replied completely ignoring her bad remarks.
Because of me entering this timeline, Raven hadn't gone to Charles for a drink and didn't do her "Heterochromia" move.
And also I didn't quite realize I was staring at her the whole time, which made Charles turn towards me with a confused look.
I felt a bit uneasy all of a sudden. As if something was pinching the back of my head. Me being me completely ignored that, and got excited when Raven stared back at me. She smiled awkwardly and waved to me. So I waved back and started walking towards her.
Then, all of sudden, someone held me back by my hips. I quickly got scared and slapped the person hard in the face. Not realizing what I had done, I turned to see that I had slapped Charles, who was wincing in pain and held his cheek in his palm to cool down the pain.
I heard some chairs move and saw Raven coming to Charles and the "Heterochromia" running out of the bar.
"Oh my God! Charles, are you OK?", Raven asked while rubbing his back.
I quickly started apologizing.
"O-M-G I'm soo sorry... Charles. I was staring at Raven.. and..uh.. and I didn't mean to d-", I paused realizing the mistake I made.
Raven moved away from Charles. She was scared. She looked angry and creeped out. Charles's eyes had widened. His fingers quickly moved towards his temple.
"STOP! WAIT! I'M LI-LIKE YOU BOTH..", I stuttered while hands were in a protective manner.
Charles brows furrowed. He wasn't sure of what I said. I was hoping he would believe me because in all other fanfiction he seemed pretty easily convinced and was warm-hearted. Clearly, that wasn't the case here.
"If that is the case, you don't seem quite like us. You know our names and from your body language, you seem know us better than we do. How do i- I mean we can trust you? You know what we both-", he was explaining when I interrupted him.
"Just read my mind, it's open now", I stated not wanting him to go away as he was my only hope. I know. I know. It's cheesy as my brain but the situation had asked for it.
He started fingering me... sorry.. I mean his brain. His eyes widened, and he smiled. I could feel his presence in my mind, rummaging through my memories and my thoughts. Yup, he smiled cause he knew how I scared I was of him leaving me all alone in an unknown universe and also because I had all my dirty thoughts locked up in an area which I didn't let him enter.
I glanced at Raven, who started smiling at me (oh good heavens, was it not relieving!), who knew what was going on. Charles was telepathically communicating with her whatever he should be knowing my unprecedented journey to the universe here.
Soon, his process was over. And they both just stared at me. This was kinda creepy. What the fawk were they even doing?
Soon, Raven came to give me hug to which I declined.
"Nononono... you don't hug me. First, I slapped your bro and second I'm bisexual so it's not safe", I replied quickly.
"It's okay.... what's your name?", Raven laughed along with Charles and asked.
"Oh, I'm Julianne. Julianne Ricci. Didn't Charles tell you my name?", I introduced myself.
"Nope. He was busy searching sone other stuff I guess", she replied.
We both went in for a hug for which I was way too excited which Raven didn't seem to mind but Charles was not happy about it.
"Alright, that's enough both of you.", Charles stated while barging between us.
Well, I guess Charles was either homophobic or jealous. Nah, I guess he's homophobic. Who would be jealous of me?
A/N: Should I do part 3??
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