#I'm angsting him again. at this point I think I'm stuck in angst mode /hj
My last Galacta Knight post made me think a little more, so uh. More about this concept in this post :3
Galacta Knight only became stronger because that's all he was taught to do. Train, fight, get stronger. All for a purpose he was never told about. It leads to him having a complicated relationship with himself and the Ancients because he doesn't want to hurt any innocent people, but the Ancients [Redacted], he couldn't just stop! Many years of fighting with himself cause him to lock his emotions down.
The Ancients slowly become lenient with him during the months leading up to his fight with Void. Allowing him to interact with others and take weeks off from training. But then Void shows up and the Ancients become strict again.
Galacta Knight hates fighting. But he loves it at the same time because it's the one thing that has constantly been in his life since he could remember. The fight with Void leads to him becoming even stronger than before, and at some point after that, Galacta snaps. (His species was never good at ignoring their emotions. Try too hard for too long and... well, don't be surprised if [Redacted 2] happens.)
He's tired of being too strong. So he gets the Ancients to seal him away. (They wouldn't listen to him at first, but that's okay. [Redacted 3] happened. They listened to him after that.)
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