#I'm at family dinner but my younger sister's bf is here too so I don't have anything to say
risustravelogue · 9 months
in hindsight, I should've asked my friends to kidnap me so I don't have to be here /hj
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winghero-writing · 4 years
hey I just found your blog and.. WHY DIDN'T I SEE U B4 UR SO GREAT I LOVE U FOR THE 30 MIN I READ THRU EVERYTHING!!! and I was wondering since u did a Keigo x Todoroki!reader and the reader told the smaller fam about her bf I want to know how Endeavor reacts :p U don't have to do it but I'm a fucking cat and curiosity finna kill me.
Hey! In sorry in taking too long to answer the asks but in going to get them out, I promise! Also, thank you so much for the support! I hope I did justice to what you wanted!
It had been a few weeks since Y/N introduced Keigo to her siblings. She was happy with the outcome and so was Hawks. But right now, is when the real challenge starts.
She knew that her siblings would like Hawks, and even if they didn't like him that much she could use her privilege as an older sibling and get them to stay out of her love life. It was really reliving when they told her they were happy for her.
Now, her dad was something unpredictable, she can't even imagine the way he would react.
Now, her days consist of her head full of scenarios of how to break the news to her dad and how he would react.
She knows he is changing for the better. He took to heart the advice she told him and began to show interest in his children without giving up, even when Natsuo pushed him away or Shoto ignored him.
She was pulling a lot of scenarios in her head at the moment that she didn't hear the door from the apartment. She gave Hawks a spare key since she always got scared when he used the window to get in.
"Dove?" Hawks made his way from the front door to the kitchen where he found his girlfriend lost in thought.
"What are you thinking about, little birdie." He moved a chair and took a seat, he saw her jump a little, getting out of thought. He laughed a little at her reaction.
"Keigo! I didn't hear you. I'm so sorry!" She stood from her chair a little and give him a kiss. It didn't last too long but he was satisfied with it.
"So, what do you have in your head that you forgot about me?" He rested his chin on his hand, giving her his full attention.
Y/N played with her fingers a little in deep thoughts before answering him.
"It's just..." She let out a long sigh. "I already introduce you to my siblings and my mother. I have to introduce you to my father too." She looked at him and found a smug expression in his face. She knew that he would think that all this would be easy but it wouldn't be.
"Not as the Winged Hero, Hawks. As Takami Keigo, his daughter's boyfriend." She put extra emphasis on the word 'daughter'.
She would have laughed at how his expression changed and his face showed realization about how he would have to meet Enji Todoroki, not Endeavor, but the topic at hand didn't a low her to laugh.
"I..." His whole body position change after her statement, now sitting upright and tense in the kitchen chair.
"I didn't think about it in that way..."
She smiled a little, if he got this worked up about meeting her family at least it showed that he was serious.
"We'll find a way for him not to blow up." She rested her hand on top of his own, offering comfort to her now troubled boyfriend.
A few days later, the two of them agree that Y/N would call her siblings and father to have a family dinner where she would take her boyfriend. She told her siblings that Hawks would go but hid that information to her father.
Again, her head was pulling all kinds of scenarios of the possible outcome of this dinner. Sensing her distress, Hawks took her face in his hands and looked straight in her eyes
"Hey, it's not like I'll die, you know!" He laughed, trying to make the tension lighter.
She smiled at his attempts to relaxed her. She knew that he was a lot more nervous than he showed.
The two were wearing casual clothes since it wasn't anything formal. Just dinner.
They arrived a little early for Y/N to help her younger sister for dinner. Hawks helped too, Natsuo and Shoto arrived not long after the couple. The only one missing was Enji.
He had sent a message to Y/N telling her that he was on his way, also apologizing for being a little late.
"Okay, dad is on his way." Y/N save her phone in her pocket and turned to look at her two little brothers.
"Please, don't cause a fight." She took their hands, Natsuo and Shoto saw their sister pleading eyes, it made them realize how important this was for her (and Hawks) so they agree.
Smiling at the two and giving them a kiss on the cheek, she turned to Hawks next. He smiled at her.
'Looks like he is not that nervous anymore, huh.' She returned the smiled.
"Euh, get a room you two." Natsuo made a gagging noise and turned around not wanting to see the lovey-dovey interaction that the couple had. Shoto just stared at them, not finding the problem.
Hawks laugh out loud and put his arm around Y/N.
"Well, maybe after this, we will go to the room?" He asked seductively. Y/N hit his chest and got out of his one arm hug.
"Pervert." She went to talk to Shoto about the girl she helped him with but not before sending a smile at her boyfriend.
"Y/N-nee! Dad is here!" She heard Fuyumi from the door. Y/N stood up immediately and looked at Hawks.
He made his way to the door before she could stop him.
"Yo! Endeavor, how have you been?" Hawks greet the man in a simple way. He tried to make this lighter.
"What are you doing in my house bit brain?" Endeavor didn't expect to see the Number Two in his house. His mood was starting to get down (in an angry way!) seeing the blond hero in his house.
"Dad! How have you been!" Y/N stood in front of Hawks, trying to shield him. Enji's face softened a bit at seeing his older daughter greeting him but he tried not to show it. Still, Hawks notice this change in his expression.
"Good. Now, could someone tell me why is Hawks here?" He looked at everyone in the room. Natsuo and Shoto were just watching from the sidelines but their faces showed amusement at the situation. Fuyumi just watched and couldn't help but feel a little bad about her older sister.
"You see dad, I broug..."
"I didn't come here as Hawks, Endeavor." Hawks interrupted Y/N and put his arm around her waist.
"I came here as Keigo, Y/N's boyfriend."
The house was silent for a long while. The tension could be cut with a knife. Nobody dared to move either.
Endeavor glared at Hawks while the blond was smiling at him (smirking would be more accurate).
Y/N let out a sigh, at least the news was out. She got out of Hawks hold and stood in front of her dad. She smiled at him.
"We have been together for a few months now. He is a good guy. I hope you accept him soon."
And so, she went to the table to start serving the plates, her sibling followed her to help in anything they could (also, to get out of the tension between the two heroes).
"So, I have your blessing...?" Hawks was the first one to talk, he wasn't as nervous as before but seeing how Endeavor was glaring at him would scare anyone.
"You're dead bird brain." He took Hawks from his shirt and put him at his same eye level. The blond male just gave him his carefree smile.
"Wow, wow, calm down Endeavor! I really love her you know!" He looked at him in the eyes. "And I really hope that you don't mind me being with her. I promise to protect her from anything."
"She can protect herself, she is strong." Endeavor let out in a gruff tone.
Hawks laugh at this. "Yeah, I know!"
Endeavor let go of Hawks, letting him fall from his hands. The blond male was unaffected by it and started to fix his clothes.
"I can't control her." Endeavor let out after a while. "I don't have the right, but if you hurt her you're dead." And so, Endeavor made his way to were his children where waiting.
Hawks was left there stunned. That was a blessing, right? Did he approve?
He followed the same path and took a seat beside Y/N who just looked at him with a smile. She had heard them talking and for her, it was a win. At least her dad didn't kill him.
The dinner was then filled with Fuyumi attempts to make her brothers talk without success. Y/N laughed at it, thanking her brothers for staying quiet, she knew that if they talk they would start to throw insults at their father.
At the end of the night, it was a successful mission for the couple. Even when Endeavor threatened Hawks that he would beat him up the next time. Y/N just laugh and enjoy her time in family.
- Bonus -
Hawks was patrolling. He hates patrolling at night since he enjoys sleeping in Y/N's bed, cuddling her. It was a fairly peaceful night but he didn't fail to see the blue fire from an alley not too far where he was.
He made his way to the alley and was met face to face with the infamous villain, Dabi.
"Fancy seeing you here, Number two." The villain said to him. "I'm not here to fight." Dabi put his arms up in form of surrender.      "More especially, I came here to talk to you."
"What do you want Dabi." Hawks was getting pissed, he didn't want to deal with this now and fighting at this time it's a pain in the ass for him.
"I know that you associate me with the League..." Dabi hid his hands in his pockets and began walking away from him. "But you know... This is more on a personal note..." He turned a little to watch him in the eyes before going away. "You hurt her and you are dead." Dabi glared at him. It was the first time that Hawks feel scared of a villain. What did he mean by her? Before he could ask, Dabi was already out of sign.
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