#I'm calling myself artist because Farin called me artist in his email in 2012 and now he finally has also seen my art yaass.
mcrmadness · 4 years
Madness draws: DÄ (Bela/Farin) COMICS
HELLLLOOOOOO I just finished my newest dä comic!!! The idea is very old, from 2012 or something but I never drew this comic because I suddenly stopped drawing until I started again a couple of years ago and decided to do this one first.
It took me ages to decide what kind of dialog I want to use, and I rewrote it several times and got new ideas until I knew what I wanted. I started the actual drawing last Saturday and over the past week I have been working on the comic on several days and today I finally finished it. I would say I have used at least... maybe 20 hours on this overall? I am not sure but I often spend 6-8 hours in a row drawing this and that happened at least 3-4 times this week. I did not count in the days when I just kept sketching the storyboards and other things to my sketchbook... anyway, here’s the comic, I hope you like it!
Make sure to click them bigger especially if on desktop, Tumblr tends to make the preview images a bit blurry. (Clicking them again to open in a new tab from there makes them to show up in the real size.)
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Artist notes:
I have no idea if they are even in character. I don’t know if this makes any sense to anyone. The idea of the comic comes from my old German books. There literally was some exercise about SMS abbreviations and together with my German teacher we laughed at “widumihei” because seriously, does anyone seriously propose someone else over a text message, with an SMS abbreviation??? In my original idea it was Farin who was meant to send the text message to Bela but because now I know better about how Farin sees marriage, I felt that it’d be more logical if Bela sent the message. And I don’t know, somehow I feel that he could do a prank like that?
Also I don’t know why Farin got so angry. It just happened. They kinda started to live their own lives. Also those front-side faces are something I have drawn only maybe once or twice before + practiced them a little to my sketchbook before this comic so that’s why they look weird. I simply just don’t know how to draw them properly yet.
I own a 72 piece set of Derwent Watercolor colored pencils and it was about time I use more than just a couple of different colors. I’m actually quite happy about how many colors I eventually ended up using, there’s lots of layering and some places have 3-4 colors to them. It was actually so much fun to color this! I haven’t really done backgrounds before, apart from one comic that I don’t think I ever even posted here? But yeah, this one just needed some kind of a place and this is the room I saw in my head. Choosing the colors was also lots of fun because I had no idea of the color scheme but I just picked an object, decided how to color it and that color somehow already gave me an idea of what color I want for another object. I also bought a new ProMarker because the old one started to die before I got the panels done first and this new one somehow bled and did those random splotches here and there but that’s okay. I guess I just need to start storing them in horizontal position instead of the pen cans.
An easter egg: Sadly this is hard to see because I decided to use a different angle for the second panel (didn’t know how to draw the first idea so had to use another) but Farin’s phone stand is a tiny beach chair. Because why the heck not. And a beach chair is maybe the most difficult thing ever to figure out and draw, even with references! And oh boy did I practice. But then I didn’t even need it apart from these tiny tiny versions lmao.
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