#I'm getting more salty in my replies 😬
stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
I really do enjoy your costume metas, they are so fascinating truly. But sometimes I read them and things sound like SUCH a stretch and over-analysis- like how people joke about English teachers will ask ‘but WHY was the scarf red?’ and the author would just shrug and say ‘because I wanted it to be red, there’s no hidden meaning’ yknow? Like i don’t think THAT much thought goes into it. Yes definitely a lot does, a lot of thought goes into costuming, I just don’t think like, the direction of stripes on Christopher’s shirt in one 30 second scene indicates anything.
Backhanded compliment/insult much Nonnie!!!
I hate to tell you this but they really do put that much thought into things in the world of film and television. I've worked in the industry - I worked in costume departments on many different films and shows and I can assure you nothing makes it on to screen without purpose.
The use of colour to convey meaning is very very deliberate and has a lot of history - both from a clothing perspective, but also from a lighting, set a prop perspective. The whole point is to convey additional information visually. Its very different from writing a book - where yes, its very likely an author will just pick a colour for a colours sake - but that is why very often you see different colours used from the text in film adaptations - because the film needs to convey emotions etc visually because it cannot use words to do the same thing in the way a book does.
And if you don't want to believe me then look at Aisha's lives, or the q&a sessions various wardrobe people from the show have done - they have all said that everything is intentional and that colour choices are deliberate. In the past I've commissioned specific logos, prints or patterns for clothing - just to get important information across - I've had clothes dyed so that I have the right shade of a colour so that it gets the right information across - literally nothing appears on screen that isn't adding to the narrative.
Of course there is room for interpretation - colours have more than one meaning attached to them, and I have never ever implied or said outright that my interpretation is the only one or the correct one. its entirely probable that I've placed incorrect interpretations onto costumes -I'm not in that specific wardrobe department so I can never be sure. thats the nature of the beast.
By all means keep on insulting me and the hard work I put in to sharing my knowledge with you, I can take it - I don't do it for you I do it for me because I get enjoyment out of it, but please don't diminish the incredibly hard and detailed work that departments such as wardrobe, set and props do to tell the story visually and support the text and subtext of a piece of media - its frankly insulting to them - they're among the hardest working departments and often some of the worst paid - they do this for love so you can bet they put everything into it.
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