#I'm going back to writing some fluff/porn for patreon
thebibliosphere ยท 1 year
The process of updating my paperback prices (and all my files) gave me stress hives, so that's fun.
Also, if you suddenly can't see Phangs in your ebook/paperback retailer of choice, that's why. I had to upload new files to correct some minor typos and also update some metadata, so I'd no longer be deadnaming my illustrator. And that required me to take them off the market so the new files could be processed. They should hopefully go live sometime this week.
Payhip files are also updated to correct metadata, but there should be no pause in availability there.
I have no control over when the new prices will roll out, but looking at Ingram, at least, the new price changes will go into effect on March 10th, 2023. The paperbacks will be $17.99 from here on out. Sorry. Ebook prices remain the same. Thank you for both understanding and encouraging me to up my prices so that I'm actually making money instead of losing it. I'll get a whole two dollars going forward! Instead of a penny ๐Ÿ˜…
Edit: Also, all the ebooks have been added to Smashwords. It just took 3 years and Draft2Digital acquiring them so I wouldn't need to remember another login for me to do it ๐Ÿ’€
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