#I'm going through my season 1 folder to make room for the new stuff
showmey0urfangs · 7 months
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JACOB ANDERSON on the Kelly Clarkson show, Sept 22nd 2022
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hyenahunt · 7 months
Rouge & Ruby: Eventual Affection - 1
Writer: Umeda Chitose
Season: Winter
Characters: Jun, Ibara
Proofreading: royalquintet (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Mirei (Adam) & hyenahunt (Eve)
Jun: — I wanted to... apologise for what happened the other day.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Jun: ( I've got nothing going on in the morning today, but I dunno when I get off work in the evening... )
( … Seems like Ibara's also got work starting only in the afternoon, but he's already left his dorm. Got that confirmed by his roommate Aoba-senpai, so I'm sure that's right.)
(In that case, that means even if there's no other staff around, Ibara's gonna be in the office working this early... )
( Which means that this morning's the only time I can have a proper face-to-face talk with him! )
( After all, we're still working separately as Adam and Eve more often than not… )
(And even when we get together as Eden, we don't have any time set aside for chatting, huh~? )
( … Well, I think we're starting to make eye contact again, but of course, it's still only during work. So it's not like we can really take our time and talk.)
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Jun: ...And that's why today's gonna be the day that I — Screw that, actually I'm gonna go talk to Ibara this very second~!
I can't let this weird tension go on for a second longer!
Location: CosPro Office
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Jun: 'Scuse meee…
… Hm? That's weird~ The lights are on and everything, but there's no sign of anyone around.
Heey~ Ibaraaa~?
C'mon, there's no way he wouldn't respond to me... right? Is he in the break room or something~?
Well, I had a look and no one's there... Why's the light on, then?
He's not the type who'd forget to turn it off, either... Maybe he just popped out for a bit?
No matter how good ES's security is, it’s pretty careless to leave a desk unattended like this...
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Jun: (...Ah. There's a bag next to Ibara's desk.)
(Oh, so he really has already clocked in. That means if I just wait a lil' while, Ibara'll come back for sure —)
...Now that I'm looking at it, there's paperwork piled up all over his desk.
Here's the project proposal for Chocolat Fes, along with a diagram of the stage... And there's new song lyrics in this folder, huh...
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Jun: This time around, both Adam and Eve's songs show the distinct qualities of each unit and how they're different from Eden. I like 'em a lot...
I can't wait to show 'em off on the stage of Chocolat Fes ♪
There's this one, too... Looks like it’s the storyboard for our next music video. On top of that, it's so easy to understand that I'd bet Ibara drew it out himself.
Now, this sparkly-looking artwork he's got sitting around... it's some kinda pattern for a design?
I heard something about it being related to original chocolates for Eden, if I remember correctly.
Ooh, so this is how they're gonna look....
(browsing through the documents)
(Huh, so Ibara's the type to scribble stuff on his papers… He's made notes left and right.)
Time: A while later
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Ibara: … ?
(There is someone here… oh, it’s Jun this time? )
( Seems it's all the rage these days to prepare for ambushing me in the office while I'm not here. )
— What are you doing there?
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Jun: Oh hey, it's you. Welcome back, Ibara.
Ibara: I'm back — wait, no. Let me ask, I was asking you what you're doing around my desk.
Are you peeping at me? Nice hobby you have there.
Jun: You can't quite call it peeping when you've left everything out in the open. Where else was I supposed to look?
But well, I did have a look at all of ‘em. I shouldn't have gone through them without asking... Sorry 'bout that.
I came to find you, but there was no sign of you anywhere in the office, so since I only had all your papers for company I figured I might as well... or something?
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Ibara: Good grief, I was only gone for a moment. You have terrible timing...
It’s fortunate that I only went out to get a drink.
What would you have done if you came so early and I didn't return … or I didn't even come to work in the first place?
Jun: Well, I mean, considering how you were working even through New Year's, I found myself convinced somehow that you'd be working this early, too.~
That's why it didn't even occur to me that you wouldn't be here.
Ibara: …
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Jun: C'mon, couldja not look at me like I'm suddenly talking gibberish or something?
I came here for a reason, okay?...Like I said earlier, I wanted to find you.
Ibara: I find it perplexing that you came all the way here just to “find me” when you can always see me at work.
What is it? Is there something you urgently need from me?
Jun: .... Well, I dunno if it's urgent, really... I just felt like I should actually set aside some time to talk about this face to face with you.
— I wanted to... apologise for what happened the other day.
Ibara: The other day?
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Jun: Just from looking at all these papers scattered around and seeing all your detailed writing, anyone could tell that —
Actually, no, I could already tell how hard you've been working ever since you told us about Chocolat Fes.
And yet I just started throwing all my messy thoughts at you without thinking it over properly...
It probably threw you off when I disagreed... or more like, pissed you off, even. I mean, you had some guy who didn't know shit 'bout the situation shooting his mouth off at you.
And so that's why I felt like I should really apologise —
Ibara: No need.
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Jun: — for all that… Huh?
What... did you just say?
Ibara: No need, I said. You don't have to apologise to me. It's all fine. There is no need for it.
Jun: Huh…?
Ibara: Before you misunderstand… I must make it clear that I'm not saying this because I find your attempts at an apology to be annoying or anything.
It is true that you had gotten on my nerves then, but it no longer bothers me at all. So, in conclusion, there is no need for you to apologise.
Jun: ?
Ibara: Do you still not understand, perhaps?
What you said to me no longer bothers me and I hold no ill feelings anymore. Also, preparation for Chocolat Fes is proceeding smoothly
But now I see that what happened that day still lingers in your mind, Jun.
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Jun: ???
Ibara: Pft—fufu…
I was wondering why you kept staring at me nervously at work. So that's what was happening, hm?
Jun: W...What the helllll~!?
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