#I'm going to assume the hamsters were mostly fine
rjalker · 2 years
The Rogue: *turns around*
The nameless narrator:
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[ID: A blurry screenshot of a hamster standing upright with its mouth open so that from an anthropomorphized perspective, it appears to be screaming loudly in fear. End ID.]
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alvacchi · 4 years
Phantom Thief Hanako-kun AU Story: When They Truly Met
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(Image from AidaIro!)
This is my concept story based off of the AU! Enjoy!
-The story started off when Yashiro asked Tsuchigomori why he retired from the police force and opened up his own private detective agency
-That didn't mean the private detectives and police force wouldn't work together from time to time but still
-Tsuchigomori replied that he didn't approve of Teru's violent methods towards criminals no matter the offense. Teru was one of the top promising policemen in the force.
Tsuchigomori had his personal reasons supposedly.
-Tsuchigomori told her to go join the police force then but Yashiro refused
-Yashiro, on the other hand, had a crush on Teru. She thought he's only trying to protect people. He was popular in the police force and she considered him a senpai.
-Yashiro is Tsuchigomori's apprentice and she wanted to learn from him as he's more experienced
-She believed it was better if she impressed Teru with her detective skills once she mastered them
-Yashiro asked about the latest heist note from the phantom thief Hanako
-Both of them were doing their jobs of helping to catch the thief. It had been their mission lately.
-Tsuchigomori forbade her to go this time though
-Yashiro asked why
-Tsuchigomori: "Minamoto Teru is going tonight."
-Yashiro gasped since Teru doesn't often come. He's mostly busy with other cases that were more urgent
-But was it really just Teru?
-Tsuchigomori went over Yashiro's problems during their previous heist searches for Hanako
-Like getting lost
-He also told her Kou and Mitsuba were not going either because it's going to get dangerous
-Yashiro questioned this because heists never brought any harm but entertainment for Hanako fans
-Tsuchigomori shooed her off though, saying she's got a lot to learn
-During the night. It was a full red moon
-The heist was happening and Yashiro was missing out.
-Yashiro was out of her apartment at the time, grabbing groceries for her and her little hamster Black Canyon
-She also bought new kitchen appliances since her old ones were getting worn out
-When she came to her door, she heard a noise inside
-Panicking, she prepared some self defense with a frying pan and kitchen armor and blindly charged in to hit the intruder
-When she opened her eyes, she found a bleeding Hanako on the floor
-'Oh no! I murdered him!' She immediately thought.
-But then after calming down a bit, she realized the bleeding wasn't from her frying pan but the chest area
-It looked like a bullet wound
-A bullet? Was there gun violence?! But who used a gun?
-She attempted to call 119
-Hanako grabbed her arm to stop her from calling the hospital, panting heavily
-A doorbell rang and pounding door knocks were heard
-Yashiro hid Hanako in a blanket without thinking
-She answered the door to find Teru
-Teru asked her if she's seen any suspicious activity like a certain phantom thief
-He was hunting Hanako down
-That's when it clicked to Yashiro that she's hiding the thief since the shock blinded her from thinking of his identity
-Recalling the bullet wound, for a second she doubted Teru but she fought that doubt. Surely not Teru, right? He had a whip and a sword but a gun?
-Her morals clashed and an internal conflict started
-Wasn't it too cruel to hand Hanako over at his most vulnerable moment?
-It was so unusual to see him in such a state, since he seemed to be having the time of his life at the heists
-Was this what Detective Tsuchigomori meant by dangerous?
-But Hanako hadn't technically hurt anyone from any of his heists
-She didn't even know his motive behind his stealing
-So she lied
-She said she hadn't seen anyone
-Teru took her word for it and went to search around her apartment building
-Yashiro let go a breath she didn't realize she was holding
-Then, she started agonizing on the fact that she lied to her crush
-She slapped her cheeks as she realized Hanako was still bleeding to death
-She went over to check with him and threw the covers off
-Hanako was unconscious now and Yashiro quickly checked his pulse
-It was faint but there
-He's still alive thank goodness
-She realized the wound seemed to be slightly bigger for some reason and his hand was tightly clutching onto something
-It's the bullet
-He took out the bullet with the new knife that was laying nearby
-She must have dropped her bags in pure panic
-Okay, this guy was crazy
-Did he want to die faster or something
-He must have fainted in the middle of applying aid to himself
-How did he not scream in the process
-Recalling that Hanako didn't want to go to the hospital, Yashiro assumed that it was because he's a wanted criminal
-She thought he was lucky that she learned first aid from Tsuchigomori as part of her detective work
-Also that she was living alone in her apartment
-So, she patched him up real good and left him to sleep somewhere
-During the patch up, she tried to feel for any gem he could be hiding
-But there were none on him
-Strange since he came back from a heist
-Did he fail to steal because of Teru? That'd be a first.
-Finally when her attention was off him, she realized she would have to clean the bloody mess
-And her window was broken
-The most likely case being Hanako crashed in through there
-Staring at Hanako asleep, she noticed a black cat mask on the side of him.
-Black cats were told to bring bad luck to those around them.
But that can't be right. That's just a superstition.
-Did Teru believe in it?
-Nonetheless, she had to pay for that window damage. Or make an unconscious thief do so when he wakes up
-By the time she woke up the next day though, Hanako was already gone with a note on the side that he would come by later tonight
-If Yashiro wasn't mad last night, she was pissed now
-Aren't phantom thieves supposed to be gentlemen?! He gave her nothing but trouble!
-She was really going to let him have it when he comes
-The time came and Yashiro found Hanako right at her window
-It's not even the first floor. Of course he had to make a grand entrance
-Yashiro grabbed him and pulled him into her room with anger
-She yelled at him for leaving suddenly even with a note
-Hanako: "Ow is this how you deal with your patient? I'm sad and hurt."
-Hanako told her that he had to go pick up the jewels he left
-Oh. So he was hiding them somewhere else
-Yashiro: "I'll have you know I'm a detective! I could arrest you right here! Right now!"
-Hanako: "Correction. You're a detective's apprentice. You wouldn't have the authority to arrest me."
-Yashiro's eyes widened.
-Hanako: "Hehe surprised? Your window happened to be conveniently close enough to land."
Yashiro: "How do you know who I am?"
Hanako: "I have my sources. How did you think I was able to have a successful heist every time?"
-Hanako walked closer to Yashiro and Yashiro stepped back until she was up against the wall.
-He was really close and dominating over her, quite teasingly
-If Yashiro had a wild imagination, it was like a kabedon with both hands.
-Hanako: "Besides, even with authority, did you really think you could arrest me?"
-Yashiro flustered and quickly pushed him off, though careful not to touch his wound.
-Yashiro: 'Don't fall for it, Yashiro Nene! He's not even your type!'
-Yashiro: "Why do you steal?"
-Hanako only smiled at her.
-Hanako: "That's for you to find out, my dear detective."
-Yashiro pouted at the comeback.
-Hanako: "Let's make a deal."
-Yashiro: "What?"
-Hanako: "I'm indebted to you so why don't I come over at night once in a while? We could get to know each other."
-Yashiro: "Are you kidding? That's breaking my moral code! You know I can't do that!"
-Hanako: "You're curious though, right?"
-At that moment, Yashiro couldn't deny it. She indeed was. She couldn't shake off the incident from last night. Maybe Hanako had a reason for being a phantom thief. And maybe there was more to him than meets the eye.
-Yashiro: ".......Fine. We have a deal. But don't expect me to go easy on you during the heists!"
-Hanako: "Wouldn't have it any other way~"
-Hanako closed in again to kneel down and place a kiss on her hand. He looked up and grinned at her.
-Not so soon, Yashiro just kicks him out of her apartment, already a blushing mess.
-And so their relationship began.
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