#I'm going to post the ramble for EP4 tomorrow because now I need to sleep!
hydrangeawise · 1 year
Okay, final ramble for today: El Cazador de la Bruja EP3!
We got: Only One Bed (but she still took the empty chair)! They Were Roommates (well, actually more of a cottage/small house and they only stayed a night)! Domestic Fluff! A CUTE LIZARD!
I don't quite know where to start because mentally I'm still yelling about how terrible horrible uncomfortable and creepy Camera Guy is. I quite enjoy that the current goal for Ellis and Nadie is simply to "go south" because it offers so many possibilties of happening along the way without a definitive end in sight! (I'm super curious to find out what Ellis is searching in the south though, should she ever remember.) There were some interesting bits aside the girls' journey that I want to mention quickly: 1) being a bounty hunter is or was apparently a common job to have and given that people move on from that job once they - apparently - start or have a family, it seems like it's just part of the society. It apparently also doesn't reflect badly on you if you are a bounty hunter (unless your family has moral difficulties with it, like in the case with Maria); like, you can still be a cop afterwards. (Ellis was very cute about the handcuff. But also very silly, I don't know how Nadie keeps up with it.) 2) Big Dad Guy is apparently also looking for Ellis, but doesn't know that she's called Ellis. Or something. As it is unclear who that small child with him is to him. 3) Other people seem to know more about Ellis than she knows about herself. Which is great because Nadie sure doesn't know anything about Ellis, and Ellis doesn't know anything about Ellis, and everyone else seems to know enough about Ellis to try and get her dead or alive. Fun time all around!
But now, the girls: they did have a very domestic moment in that small house! We are just letting the moment in which Ellis cut her finger and Nadie put said finger into her mouth to clean the blood off and that moment when Ellis stood naked in front of the fire they made and looked at the gem she has sit with us. Just, let it exist. The flashback triggered by the blood was interesting though because it looks to me like the blood was being pulled out of the doctor? (In the first episode we also saw a hole, possibly from a bullet, in the package, so it might be that he got shot first and then the thing with the blood happened? It seems like we're getting little pieces of flashbacks to the traumatic events that slowly build up to show the whole scene again which I absolutely adore!) I really adore Ellis' little "Yessir"s too! And how she interacted with the lizard!!! She's such a weirdling, I love her so much!! I absolutely hate the camera guy though. It sparked a massive amount of joy in me when Ellis responded to his "I'm going to be an important part of your life" with "No, you won't", like nah. No, thank you. Take your creepy self and your creepy camera elsewhere. Interestingly, she seems really unbothered by him and I'm not sure if that's because she's absent-minded/bold/a combination of that, or because she knows something that we as the audience don't (yet). There is the possibilty that Camera Guy is so weird and obsessed with Ellis because of something Glasses Guy did (he did mention something along the lines of "I gave you the capacity to feel" or something), but ungh. UNGH. They're both terrible horrible still.
It was very cute how the girls said their goodbyes to the lizard and the skeleton in the house though, that made me feel a little warm. They're both good girls and I wish them the best <3
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