#I'm gonna note down separate cuddling hcs for Bad and Ghost
cerise-on-top · 2 years
Ok this might be a some kind of continue of the previous ask
Ok imagine batter and Bad batter just somehow got to their world as well and it's during the winter and it happened during the time where Ghost was having a bit of fun teasing y/n something like this (mind you this idea came after I read the story for the third time so it's random)
Y/N: Ghost stay away from me
Ghost: oh come I know how much you fucking adore hugs (comes closer )
Y/N: no I am not going to turned into a ghost just yet
Then batter and bad batter just literally falls on top of ghost . After sometimes bad batter , batter and Y/N cuddling together to keep each other warm . Ghost obviously wants to join (and maybe slightly jealous) but pretend he doesn't want to . Then Y/N somehow managed to find a solution so he can join as well.
Also bonus in the summer the brothers won't leave his side and use him as a cooler after Y/N told them that he is like a life size ice cube .
*clucks tongue* Nice. Goofy goobers give me life, and this is like a 5 course meal! Sorry about the fact that the cuddling part is rather short, though!
Batter Trio and Reader Cuddling for Warmth
Notes: a lot of swearing
Another day, so cold and uncomfortable, closely followed by the night, its nurturing nature capable of freezing anyone’s blood. Summer and autumn had both bad you goodbye in their own ways, with the memories of warmer days wrapping you in a thin blanket of hope. In order to not only survive, but also live, one must keep going towards the light of the mellow heat one seeks out innately. And yet that, which one desires, will often be met with outward resistance, making one’s wishes almost unobtainable.
Bundled up on the couch, you glared at your roommate making your life miserable. “Ghost, I swear, if you get any closer to me with your cold ass I can and will kill you again.”
The fiend was approaching yet again, disregarding any and all threats aimed at him. “Oh come on, I know how much you fucking adore your shitty little hugs. Now come here and get some, fuckwad!”
Rolling off your sofa, you got on your feet, your blanket, soft as silk and warm as the rays of the sun, shielding you from the attacker creeping ever closer. Your weapons of choice were your words and wits, neither of which seemed to faze your opponent much, Ghost seemed to prefer open combat, opting to dash towards you. Yet, his violence proved futile due to some unforeseen circumstances. God hath mercy on you once again.
Lunging forward, two figures, both more formidable in size than him, had fallen on top of him. Whence they came from was unbeknownst to either of you. And in that moment, such trivial things were irrelevant, for you had won another war. Allowing your arm to leave your cape of security, you pointed your finger towards Ghost. “Ha! Suck my ass, loser!”
Disregarding his groaning, you took a good look at the beings saving you from hypothermia. While both of them seemed quite a bit lost in their own ways at first, it was your warm and welcoming expression, a grin stretching from ear to ear, which pulled them back to this reality they were not used to. “Bad! Batter! Holy shit! You actually came back! This is truly a Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule and everything else miracle combined!”
A scene rivalling that of Omelas, you jumped in Bad and Batter’s direction, arms wide open so you can hold onto them to cherish this moment further. Their reciprocation came at different times, with the latter hesitating a bit longer, but ultimately complying as well. A heartfelt reunion, disrupted only by the one taking the suffering. “Ayo, can you hug it out somewhere else?? My spine’s breaking like a kit-kat here, which says a lot considering I don’t even fucking have one!”
Once all the formalities had been put aside, the chill of the winter has, once again, settled into your home. Although your heater was present, its capabilities were limited, to say the least, your blankets providing more service of keeping you warm during the colder months especially. Whereas this usually wouldn’t be an issue, the fact that there are four people in your home, one of which had reptilian features, was. Coupling this with a couch meant for few people left you with one option for the most part: cuddling for warmth.
It was surprisingly nice, actually. With Bad needing the most warmth, he was placed in between you and Batter, the three of you slowly chattering away.
“...and before everything got distorted, there was a tower surrounded by golden trees with a bird like Japhet, quack.” Raspy as usual, it was nice to hear Bad’s voice again.
“Indeed there was. While incapable of speech like ours, it was evident it had sapience, much like us. Its flight was remarkable in that it left behind an array of colours usually found only when the rain meets the sun.” Marvellous tales, which, had it not been for your own adventures, you would not have believed.
As Batter elaborated on the pinions of the creature, Bad glanced over to his older brother, sitting at the table, his face resting in his hand. Empty may his eye sockets have been, but this was not enough to deceive his blood brother. “You want to join in too.”
“Why in the crapsnorting world would I want to do that?? I’m not here for that kind of pussy shit! Plus if I did everyone would freeze to fucking death.”
“Oh, is that the only problem at hand?” You perked up. It was really hard to ignore either Ghost or Bad with their speaking habits of being rather loud. “Wait a sec, then.”
Your solution? A hoodie. A pink one, oversized for you. And considering Ghost was of rather short stature, it fit him perfectly, his expression of disdain making it all the better as well. Yet, before any complaints could leave his mouth, you simply dragged him into your cuddling session, which you so lovingly dubbed the “flesh pile”. Seeing this tiny ghost man next to his gigantic little brother was quite a treat. But, regardless of all the cursing and everyone's jabs at everyone else, it was quite an enjoyable night, with a lot of catching up happening.
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