#I'm guessing Tesoro just finished his last performance of the night and is a tired man from entertaining so many
heavenlyborne · 1 year
“It’s hard to recognize the light when you’ve spent your whole life in the dark.”
Sentence Starters - The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
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“Is that why you shine as brightly as a star? To keep the darkness at bay?” Shalria inquired cooly, sipping at her wine as she slowly mulled over his words. The costly beverage was cold and fresh, taste sweetening upon her tongue. Tesoro was likely enjoying his drink too, especially since it was the first time he’d ever mentioned anything about his life other than as a man of talent. It was difficult to believe that a man so full of personality could have indeed spent his whole life in the dark but Shalria knew it wasn’t impossible. Gild Tesoro wasn’t known as the World’s Greatest Showman for nothing and the idea that the King of the Gran Tesoro, Lord of the World’s Largest Entertainment City might have his own dark secrets hidden beneath the veneer of glorious wealth and gold decorating his vast realm wasn’t really that far-fetched. After all, she’d seen many of his ’employees’ scrambling to serve his every whim,  no different than how the slaves behaved back home in Mariejois. Honey brown eyes slyly flickered up and down beneath the orange-tinted lenses of her eyewear. Tesoro wasn’t terribly old, just shy of forty years but in that moment between sipping his wine, the atmosphere shifted and suddenly he seemed so much older, the premature lines of his face looking heavier than she’d recalled ever seeing before. The blueness of his eyes, bright as his gaze was, had a faraway look to them as though his thoughts had drifted back to less pleasant times, when he hadn’t always been the illustrious ‘Casino King’ so many people had grown to love and fear.
 “Be that as it may, there is plenty of light in your life now. The Gran Tesoro shines like the moon itself even when sailing through the darkest waters and your performances bring light to the lives of those worthy enough to see you. Surely that’s something to be proud of?” Shalria said in her most pleasant voice, wondering if the showman would continue his line of thought or leave that conversation for another time...
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