#I'm honestly leaning towards Wall faction characters being the human resistance?
knightmareaceblue · 2 years
Gooood Morning/Afternoon/Evening Mod Blue, Hope you have been doing well and I have a huge question on Gem threat and Gem!CopperRight/Shattered Diamond Timeline 1/ Valiant Heroes Anon
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Ah, thank you for the greeting. I'm doing alright, suppose I could do with more sleep, but couldn't we all, really. So, concerning your questions...
If you're only thinking logically, perhaps it's true that having humans do any fighting makes little to no sense. However, it completely ignores the emotional and interpersonal sides of the conflict. Reginald, as a formal Pearl, may make recommendations, but she will not stop her humans from being a part of the Shattered Diamond's fighting force if they wish. Similarly, she won't force gems to fight if they don't want to. The Shattered Diamonds aren't rigidly structured like the Toppats are, and many of the members hate authority. Reginald included. She'll provide recommendations and analysis, but she won't tell anyone they can't do a job because of what they are. Not after everything she's been through with Fire Agate.
2. Um, there's only one way I could consider a Right Hand Man Reborn situation happening in the Gem Threat universe and...
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it's not pretty.
How could Rose Quartz!Right end up this way? My first thought was Henry because that’s how it happens in the game, but I don’t think Sapphire!Henry would be powerful enough to cause this type of damage. And unlike the games, S!Henry’s only motivations are preventing the bad futures she sees (which would likely not involve fighting R!Right to this degree.) and protecting her polycule (again, such a fight seems unlikely.) So I turned to my next idea.
Human resistance to gems.
Honestly, that’s a little more interesting.
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