#I'm just gonna tag everybody that uses a good bonking weapon
All the magical weapons in Elena of Avalor are so good for like, bonking somebody over the head with. Just like a real good smack. Cuz- cuz they're all so l o n g. And tamboritas have huge flat circles on the ends!!! That is perfect for bonking!
The scepters of light/night are both made of metal/crystals and pointy, same goes for Esteban's staff. Getting hit on the head with metal rods really fucking hurts! So does pointy stuff!!!
Man I wish there was a scene where like Elena or Mateo or Esteban or SOMEONE just like, ran out of ideas or smthn in the middle of a battle and hit somebody really fucking hard on the top of their head. And gave them a concussion or smthn. That would've been funny.
If you can't tell I'm really fucking tired rn-
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