#I'm kinda passionate about Princess Quest
chipistrate · 11 months
What's your take on what's going on in Princess Quest?
TLDR; General take on the timeline of events would be; -Vanessa makes Princess Quest as an intern at Silver Parasol Games -Vanessa gets glitchtrapped before finishing them(but continues working on them whilst Glitchtrapped) -Vanessa moves to the Pizzaplex and abandons PQ -SPG ports the games to arcade years later for some reason and they end up in the Pizzaplex -A piece of Vanessa gets trapped in the PQ machine as the Shadow Princess as well Glitchtrap deciding to make it basically its home Then it splits down two paths; Path A: -Princess is her own character that helps Gregory defeat Glitchtrap and free Vanessa from his control, then dies once he's gone as all the PQ machines shut off and eventually get destroyed when the Tangle tries to tunnel out of the Pizzaplex.
Path B: -Cassidy is the PQ Princess who possessed the machines after Glitchtrap started inhabiting them, but wasn't able to do anything to defeat him on her own because of how the machines are set up (with them needing someone to play them in order or else the others wouldn't turn on) -Gregory comes by and helps Cassidy get through the games and defeat Glitchtrap -From here I'm not sure. I would assume Cassidy would go back to UCN once Glitchtrap is dead, but the mystery surrounding this theory makes me think that, if this is canon, they'll be elaborated on later which makes me think they're not (entirely) gone.
Rest is going under cut cause it's long and ramble-y
Honestly I've got a few takes- it really depends on who you think the Princess is, her identity changes the entire plot depending on who she is. It's tricky trying to piece together PQ since there's just so many possibilities and so many pieces of the puzzle we're just missing currently.
My most "stable" interps across every take is basically that Vanessa made Princess Quest with Tape Girl (or on her own if we're going more canon-oriented since we don't know if the two know each other), and that's why it's connected to Vanessa specifically. And also a piece of her is trapped inside and shows itself through the Shadow Princess (cause I have no idea who else that would be). I think it'd make the most sense is PQ was something Vanessa made as an intern for Silver Parasol Games that they later ported to arcade for some reason, and they ended up in the Pizzaplex where they were then tied to Vanessa and Glitchtrap.
First take would be that the Princess is her own character who just wants to help Vanessa be freed from Glitchtraps control.
Second would be Cassidy being the PQ Princess- the theory just makes a lot of sense to me + I think it could add a lot of depth their character. The only thing I don't really like about it is that people would probably see it as some sort of gateway for other spirits returning- I don't want old characters returning, I don't think it'd be a good idea from a writing standpoint. But Cassidy would make the most sense since they're the only spirit we know hasn't moved on yet (besides Willy A. but he's suffering in hell for eternity), and that being specifically cause of Afton. Someone mimicking their killer and hurting people using his legacy, I feel, would be a good reason for them to come back for a bit just to knock him down again and then go back to the real deal.
Below is a kinda huge Cassidy PQ rant I ended up going on by accident lmao
I like thinking Cassidy is the Princess because of the old man in PQ2 that has the same palette as OMC and talks similarly to him (iirc he literally tells the Princess that her quest is over and she can rest, but she ends up not listening and going through the glitched door to continue her quest. Sound familiar?), as well as the princess being golden (yknow, like golden freddy and TOYSNHK spirit) and having her name in the files originally be "Cassidy", and there obviously being some sort of force outside of Glitchtrap infecting the machine with how they work- how you have to beat them one at a time in order or else the others won't turn on/let you play them. That and also there were the graves in PQ1 that seemed like an obvious hint at the MCI/dead kids. But then they took Cassidy's name out of the files- which doesn't negate the rest of the evidence, but it also makes me wonder why they took it out. I see people argue that it was a mistake and it was meant to be a hint at Cassie, but I genuinely don't see the tie between Cassie and Princess Quest + the rest of the evidence doesn't line up with Cassie. They have to bring PQ up again eventually- there's so many mysteries about it and if Cassidy is the Princess or has some sort of ties to the Princess then I wonder if that'll ever be brought up again.
I like thinking that Cassidy is canonically the Princess and is gonna be brought up later, or was meant to be the Princess in SWS mind/story based on a miscommunication with Scott.
But if PQ ending is canon I'd imagine Scott would have a heavier say in stuff like the PQ arcade machines- he said he had a clear idea of the canon ending for SB and that miscommunications made it a bit muddy, but I'd assume he was the one that wrote the PQ games or at least had a heavier say in them cause they're literally the keys to getting the canon ending in the first place- and there's no way everything that ties back to Cassidy is just a huge coincidence.
Idk- I just hope they elaborate on Princess Quest and the other arcade machines, whether the Princess is Cassidy or not I just want more information and clarification lmao
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myeolines · 10 months
still haven't finished totk bcs i keep getting busy w uni but i kinda just wanna rant about the main plot line lol
The continuity issues of this game is frustrating if you try to mince the main plot, shit just doesn't add up. As fun the open worldness is, being able to solve the puzzles any way you want, it feels as if they had to cut corners when it came to the plot 💀 Like it's some afterthought djsbdkwnkdns Having cutscenes fully voice acted has so much emotional power, like I kinda wish they made the most out of it jdjsbkwndke
I've read here in tumblr before about how it's as if the original direction of the zonai shifted, because I do remember Rauru's hand being creepy. And then the game releases and he's apparently a good boi! But it's fine, sometimes art do be like that it just takes a whole new direction. But the way they interweave things w botw is very inconsistent. Like they could have really did more with it yanno
Personally, it would have been better if we didn't start the game exploring the ruins ? the castle depths ? idk what's it called but like, we got to experience following Zelda as she puts in the effort of "restoring Hyrule". We get to see the glimpse of their life together after the calamity.
The thing is, does Hyrule need to be restored? Most specifically, the castle. Also it makes me wonder how people reacted seeing what seems to be the princess of legend come back, the princess they've heard from their grandparents. But I guess it's easy to interpret it with Zelda being vital to their worshipping of Hylia. And Hyrule Castle seems to serve as a seal for Ganon, and for more generations to come
It would have been more meaningful to see beloved characters from the series intermingle with the new characters. Though the new characters look cool, they also feel so out of place. I get that Penn replaces Kass in terms of role but it would still have been fun to see Kass just chilling at home. It would have also been fun to see Zelda and Kass interact, after all Kass' teacher is the court poet that regularly accompanied the princess. They could reminisce the stories of the past... Kass going "Ah, my teacher used to tell me stories of (this and that)" and Zelda enthusiastically recalling these stories... It would also have been cool to see how the whole Zonai Survey Team was formed. Since Tauro was a solo explorer and his passion for field research is what made Zelda choose him to be the leader of the survey team, it would have been nice to have a neat little side quest of getting to know the guy. Same goes for Yona. It would have been less surprising if Link and Sidon were penpals and they'd regularly write to each other, Sidon would recount some childhood memories with Yona. If maybe we were there to welcome Yona as she arrived, her introduction would have felt smoother? I'm not against the idea of Sidon and Yona but their relationship feels so abrupt HABSJABDKANDK Would have been fun to see how Sidon slowly realized he loved Yona, something like that.
I'm really digging the idea that totk zelda should be playable. Totk's story is more about her dilemma. It would have been more meaningful experiencing the Dragon Tears memory as Zelda, we get to move around as her. I mean, she's apparently the strongest Zelda in the series I think it would have been so monumental.
But back to the actual story, it could have been more... Though it's fun seeing that Link isn't as alone anymore, teleporting to Lookout Landing always feels nice because I know that's where Link's friends are, I just wish Zelda had more screentime.
Thankfully the fandom has people rewriting the story to fill in the gaps so that's what I'll be busy reading once I finish the game to scratch the itch that is inconsistent storytelling sjbskdnsns that's my totk rant for today 😘
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Okay knight since I'm not feeling the need to torture you I'll lay you down a truth. Talk to us. Tell us about your feelings, your insecurities, your doubst, and your deepest passions. We promise not to make fun you (and that goes for you too White Choco and Devil we know y'all gonna laugh)
Devil: yeah! I’m also tired of da- of boss moping around because his wife left him or whatever happened....
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Knight: I won’t ask you to request something else. I’ll take a shot..... where’s the alcohol?
White: Sorry Knight!!! Can’t have alcohol around the Little kids right??? That would be irresponsible of us adults!! Looks like you’re gonna HAVE to answer the ask!
Knight: well... this is kinda a big question. I don’t think I’m comfortable tackling it.
White: then lets break it down! We’ll start small. Oh I know! Fire Piss had to say how he felt about you. Why don’t you do the same!! Come on! Just think of him and tell us how you feel!
Knight: Um....
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Knight: I... I don’t know... ugh...
Pistachio: it’s okay. Just think about it a bit... all your memories and experiences. Say them.
Knight: I... I...
Devil: come on! You can say it!
Knight: ....I can’t.
Cheesecake: Sure you can! Start slow and-
Knight: NO I CANT.
[Knight hurries off]
White: .... Fire Spirit!?
FS: h-huh???
White: Go after him!! He feels like this because of you so go help him!
FS: .... ah... alright....
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FS: (he looks... scared!) Are... are you okay?
Knight: no... no I’m not. My chest is pounding and my mind is racing. All these thought and opinions are running wild in my head. How do I stop it!?
No one ever taught me how to deal with this!!
FS: ....Let it out...
you’re not supposed to hold in your feelings. So let it out. I bet you’re super angry... So whatever you want to say. say it. Whatever comes to mind...
Knight: !
FS: !
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Knight: BUT I DONT! .... I don’t hate you... I don’t want to. I’m glad you’re back! I’m glad you’re here...but....
My head and chest hurt because of you! All you do is confuse me! I thought we were fine. We were going on quests together, protecting people, and we were having fun! Laughing and sharing moments.
But then you leave without a trace?? Do you know how damn long I spent looking for you?? Only for you to come back, tell me you HATE me, and try to beat my ass!
Then you go and act like we’re all cool again! Make up your damn mind. Do you like me?? Or do you hate me? Are you still jealous?? TELL ME.
FS: I... I...
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FS: I like you a lot... so much that I thought I hated you. All those things I did and said... was because I didn’t know how to handle my own feelings.
When I realized... that I might be losing one of my dearest friends... I didn’t like that! I had lots of fun with you guys! I didn’t want to lose you as a friend. How could I hate someone as amazing as you?
Knight: ...
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FS: is there... a chance?
Knight: ...? Ah... after everything that’s happened... I think my heart finally moved on...
FS: oh... well... even so... can I have a real one? Not one because I’m drunk, or because you took pity... but because it’s wanted?
Knight: haha... sure.
[ back at the main room]
Princess: Do you think we pushed Knighty to far...? I’m worried about him...
Pistachio: Please do not worry, Princess. Letting him keep his feelings inside would’ve only caused him more grief in the future.
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White: So~ Did you guys kiss and make up~
Knight: heh yeah. We’re good.
White: WAHOOO!!!
Knight: But seeing as he passed out right after we cleared things up, seems like he’s still gonna be a pain in the ass.
Devil:.... (never seen him sleeping so soundly before...)
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This is kinda random but can you tell me a good thing about each of your ocs? I'm uh, trying to be positive.
Why not multiple things (because I don’t have that many OCs that people know about so I’m trying to compensate)?
Sidra is incredibly loyal and passionate and will fight injustice even if injustice is giant and has several rows of teeth and she only has her fists as weapons. 
She also built her own house? Up in a tree? A treehouse, if you will? And climbs trees like a champ even though she broke her nose falling from a tree when she was little? She just really fucking loves trees is the thing. 
Val is basically the Snow White of this story. He’s a Disney princess. Animals flock to him on command and he doesn’t even have any powers related to animals (aside from shapeshifting, but that’s different), they can just kinda feel he’s gentle and caring even tho he pretends not to be. 
His ears are also very sensitive and he has little control over how they respond emotionally, which often leads to them moving up or down without him realizing. (Tbh it’s how Sidra can tell he’s bullshitting sometimes.)  
Sinéad is basically made of positivity but she can also make the loveliest flower crowns and flower jewelry in general, which she pesters Sidra with because Sidra has such pretty hair and flowers look good in it. She also likes bugs? Which is weird, but she does? Spiders and moths are among her favorites. She also loves bumblebees and has made several toy bumblebees for some of the poorer kids and orphans in town.
I can add more for the void wip gang but I really gotta sleep now, so I hope this helped in your quest for positivity?
Good luck my pal!
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