#I'm like an atheist I don't believe in any sort of divinity
5, 6 and 9 for the writer asks! 🫶
Tysm for the ask!! Always love seeing you in my inbox <2
From this ask game :D
5. What fic of your own won’t you read?
I'd say like, anything I posted before Blindsided, with the exception of Pinned. So like, that's Scorched Earth and One Bite I think. They're still up on my blog, they're just like really old and I'm slightly embarrassed by them 😭
6. What’s the hardest part of the writing process for you?
Like, actually doing the writing lmaoooo. I write in like 1k word bursts every month or two weeks or something. So not a lot lol. All the stuff in's my head, just in raw idea form. Close second is editing though. I honestly don't know how to edit shit. But I have amazing whumpblr friends who beta read my stuff <2 @whump-in-the-closet @whump-queen @soheavyaburden mwah I love you guys :D
9. What’s your writing process like?
It's a little bit insane. It's like:
I come up with an idea, and then immediately proceed to not write it for like 6+ months. Just like rolling it around in my head and adding all the little details.
This gets to the point where I'm pretty much just writing prose in my head.
Then at a random time, generally in the evenings or like 11:30 pm just before I'm about to sleep, I suddenly develop the motivation to write it out, and usually I complete a chunk of the story before stopping. Sometimes if it's shorter I'll finish the entire first draft.
From then on, whether and when I finish the story is up to fucking god. If the stars align in my favor, then maybe I continue it in like 2 weeks to a month.
And then there's editing! Come back to the writing after a few days, make some changes after I've thought about it for a bit. Run it through grammarly for like spell check and stuff.
Then I just like, send the doc to my very cool whumpblr friends for beta reading, make some final changes, and post :D
Anyways I have so much writing I need to do. But my writing process is very sporadic and slow lmaooo. One day. I will have lots of stories. I still have some now tho!!!
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