#I'm much happier with Orange's hoodie sleeves this time around
inksandpensblog · 2 years
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[brute-forces file folder open] "are you TRYING to get caught?!"
This isn't referencing any specific scene or future plans for the No Good Deed series; in all honesty I just out of nowhere got this image in my head of Dark peering at Orange through his chains, and I decided I simply had to draw it.
Of, course, a setup like that needed context. My initial idea was that Dark did it out of an attempt to alleviate his own boredom. It wouldn't be out-of-character for him, I've already had him mess around with them in other goofy ways ^_^
But then I thought "hey what if I made it dramatic" so I did that instead and now it's got symbolism XD
The two of them have a lot of ground to cover before they reach the point we saw them at in the birthday special.
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