#I'm not an economics expert but I know not a red cent of billionaire money has ever reached me
vellichordragon · 9 months
The idea that there's a single cohesive "economy" in the US (or anywhere, really) doesn't sit right with me. It seems that the richest of the rich essentially get their own.
Jeff Bezos is not buying his eggs at a small-town farmer's market.
Elon Musk is not buying a pack of Newports and a 3 day old stale bagel from a family-owned gas station.
Donald Trump is not buying his wife (and mistresses) jewelry from a flea market.
If billionaires do any of these things it makes national news in the form of a "feel good" article/segment, and that's usually because they purposefully made a spectacle about doing it to sway opinions in their favor anyway.
They're buying from each other. Bezos is putzing around on a $500 million dollar pirate ship. The Trump family is buying $50,000 Dolce & Gabbana jackets. Musk is irresponsibly launching shit into space with his nepotistic apartheid money.
And then you have starving queer creatives passing the same $20 back and forth forever.
It doesn't matter how much stock your Redditor friend has in TSLA. He will never live in the same universe as these people, let alone participate in the same economy. And neither will you.
Look up once in a while and you'll notice that those rich assholes pulled the ladder up and fucked off a long time ago.
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