#I'm not mad I just...I either can't believe my RNG or this is a conscious choice
tarmac-rat · 1 year
This isn't even a gripe that I have with 2.0 it's more of a humorous observation-- I run a V that is canonically a trash child (i.e. isn't very fashion forward and tends to dress simply and practically) and most of the clothes I had in old run throughs for her were like, tanks and t shirts. Cargo pants and fleets. The bolero jackets or synleather bombers. Maybe the occasional bustier if I wanna get fancy with it. You can still buy most of this stuff at stores and honestly the tweaks they made to the economy in this game aren't exactly leaving me strapped for cash but I have noticed something odd about the drastically reduced overworld finds:
Every time I find a clothes drop I can loot, 80% chance it's formalwear.
Who is leaving all these fancy outfits around. Who shoved a pair of ironed out work slacks into a random backpack in the alley behind Jig Jig Street. Why do the Wraiths in this random camp have 3 different pairs of office pumps. I have 12 different variations of dress shirts tuxedo vests and blazers and I have not found one edgerunner jacket out in the wild. It can't be random if all I'm finding is stuff I'd wear to my friend's wedding.............right?
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