#I'm not manly enough lol - therefore I invented Hizumi
chevvy-yates · 2 years
Looking forward for the next weekend!
2 days off and going to see a beloved friend of mine again and we're going into phase two of our Cyberpunk shooting – can't wait for it! <3
Also still got so much to edit on the already existing photos. The version of her V is also very cool – I'm almost sad she isn't sharing her ingame V anywhere – However, that's not going to hinder me from posting the outcomes of our previous (and next) shootings, anyway. :P
Btw, if you're interested, a quick info on my cosplay of Hizumi: Seen from the cosplay only, Hizumi Chigasaki is a 'V' – I also intend to make another playthrough with this character using different classifications since all I do with Vijay is being sneaky with a lot of quickhacking and only revolver/pistols shootouts if things get dangerous for him. With Hizumi I would like to play more offensive, using the katana and other cyberware.
But if I were to write a fanfic with my oc's I wouldn't give Hizumi the position as V because Vijay is my real 'V' for me. But Hizumi is a memeber of the team, alongside a third character whose name is going to be Ryder (I want to play him as some kind of goth rock ex-concerner some day). Idk, if I ever gonna develope a real story and write it down, though (still got another very complex au story of a 60s cowboy tv show to get done some day anyways…).
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