#I'm not obsessed with boyfailures at all!!
emptyportrait · 2 months
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dazzle-writes · 6 months
Hello! Can I please request for a Demon Slayer matchup? Any sort of HC's are fine. <3
I'm straight, ISTJ, and a Pisces. My hobbies include chess, reading, and math for some reason? I don't really like animals and find them quite annoying but I do like axolotls! I have always been obsessed with sealife. My love language is physical touch and quality time.
I'm not shy, just quiet. I can be pretty judgemental to other people— including myself. I like to talk and I seem pretty sociable but others say I'm intimidating or too straightforward. I'm pretty impatient and I don't like others who beat around the bush. I'm a perfectionist and I place incredibly high expectations both on others and me. I keep people at a distance, but show just enough to make others think it's easy for me to be vulnerable. I'm ambitious and have a high drive to succeed. I'm good at socialising but I'm not particularly fond of it. I'm a control freak at times.
I'm 157 CM, I have wavy-ish black hair with hazel eyes. I have an RBF and freckles. My clothing style is leaning more to dark academia or a more feminine way of dressing. It fluctuates honestly, I could be wearing an incredibly dark outfit or an outfit with tons of florals and a makeup look that makes me seem very feminine.
I hope this is enough information! To be honest, I have no idea who I truly am as a person so if this is too vague I deeply apologise 😭
hello hello!!!! I see you said straight, however you also didn't state your gender LMFAO but since you said you dress with feminine tones i am going to assume that you are female!!!
For a Demon Slayer i match you up wiiiiith
I think what draws him to you is the fact that you are so different from Koyuki! He can't wrap his teeny little boyfailure brain around how you are both so feminine and not at the same time!!
(This takes place in my redemption AU where the uppermoons break free of Muzan btw tee hee hee)
-Lowkey at first he did not like you bc of the fact that you were very upfront and did not take his sexist bullshit. Kinda just stood to the side with his arms crossed and all pouty.
-Then you give Douma a what for
-Heart Eyes TM
-Once you both start connecting more he is really impressed by how smart you are!!! As someone who grew up in relative poverty, he didn't learn reading and writing much, let alone more complex math. If you would perhaps like to teach him? What? Its not like he LIKES you or anything!!1 He so totally does
-Spending time with you helps to connect him to his human side more and more! He finds that the more memories he unlocks, the stronger he becomes as he frees himself from Muzan's grip.
-As a demon, animals don't like him much either. So you telling him you aren't a huge fan of animals makes him feel much better about his natural Fauna Repellent!
-likes to keep an arm around your shoulder to try an annoy you and because he wants to pick you up and hold you like a koala but if you two are alone he tends to keep his distance! His reasoning is that he doesn't want to scare you one on one, but does it in public where other people can see and you could potentially feel safer.
-As you two gets closer he really likes to hold hands with you when you're alone
-Reminds you to be easy on yourself! He is also a bit of a perfectionist especially when it comes to his strength, so he works hard to not ruin his immortal life anymore with it and doesn't want you to do the same.
-He likes you because you are so different from Koyuki, it reminds him that he can never go back to being Hakuji in this life, but that he can make something of himself as Akaza.
-When you two finally get together the other uppermoons are like "thank FUCK he would NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU"
-Daki wants to plan your wedding
-tries to keep everything light and easygoing for you and lets you guide things to your standards
-Overall a very cute snuggler who would rip people to shreds for you ;)
-Goes feral if Muzan ever even thinks about you.
-Yall think Nezuko when she beefs up to fight Daki was scary? This mf would literally somehow develop a new Blood Demon Art to protect you.
-When y'all beat Muzan (obvs) he's very torn. There are parts of him that want to return to Koyuki, and parts of him that want to stay with you. He feels like he has a duty to Koyuki along with the love he feels for her, but you have helped him see a whole other side to himself.
-Ultimately he decides to stay as a demon for a while and think things over, while using his strength to help those around him and keeping you safe. I'll leave it up to you to decide how it ends <3.
AWAWAWAW I hope you enjoyed!!!!!
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