#I'm not tagging this with ''drag'' or ''crossdressing'' because Merle isn't crossdressing
coockie8 · 1 year
what is your fav art piece your done?
Oh, that's a hard question haha I don't think I have specific favourite piece in general, but I do have favourite pieces for every fandom and OC artwork.
This is one (There's Something About Mr. Masters) is probably my favourite Danny Phantom artwork. It's the lockscreen image on my PC and everything lol
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This one (Drakaerys; Cosmic Entity of Power, nevermind tumblr killed the quality a little bit haha) is probably my favourite OC piece (though it will likely be replaced by Pidge: Cosmic Entity of Thought once I actually get It done because Pidge is just my favourite Cosmic Entity lol)
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And this one (Introducing Millie, which has never actually been posted because there's a fic that goes with it) is my current favourite for The Walking Dead, though I'm working on some other pieces currently that may dethrone it lol
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