#I'm overthinking it they just wanna quote the whole movie to each other
lynxgriffin · 1 year
How do you think the Deltarune cast will react to the original Shrek movie?
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Hey now, they respect the classics!
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allyannesd · 5 years
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[A.N] Hey so um this is my first imagine kind of story. This is a Jeff Atkins imagine if you haven't noticed. Lil reminder that I DO NOT own any of the 13RW characters.
[In this story Jeff and Hannah live cause THESE ANGELS DESERVED BETTER]
Y/N: your name
Y/L/N: your last name
Y/N/N: your nickname
Warnings:Fluff, makeout, drinking (if you don't like drinking), swearing and cute lil Jeff.
Saturday. The last night before school started again and of course someone must throw a comeback party right? Right. That someone is Jessica Davis. A really good friend of mine and a really nice person if you ask me. It's noon right now, parents out of town for an urgent business cause and here I am, Y/N  Y/L/N, in my bed in my boyfriend's large hoodie cuddling with him and watching Disney movies. 'Why aren't you watching a cool show or a romantic movie' I don't know... guess were that kind of couple. And to be honest I don't care what we're watching as long as I can play with his hair. Cliche right? Heh I don't care.
"Y/N can we go to Jessica's party?" He says tilting his head to look at you. "I don't know Jeff I'm not in the mood for drunk horny teenagers" I say sarcastically and rolling my eyes. "Oh come on it'll be fun. Besides I'll be there making the party better" he turns his body around and hugs your waist. "Pweaase. For me?" He looks at you with his puppy blue eyes which makes it impossible to say no and he knows it. "Ugh okay we'll go" I say rolling your eyes. "Thank you...thank you...thank you..." he says as he pecks your lips.
•••••••Time lapse... because I can heh••••••••
It's 7 Pm I'm getting ready and yes, I don't normally  party but since your boyfriend is one of the most popular baseball players at school he needs to be there. Aka you also need to be there cause ya know...party=drinking=girls hitting on him. And yes I do trust Jeff with my whole life but I don't trust them.
In anyway when I actually go party I dress pretty impressive I can say.
I combined a plain tight crop top with high waisted torn short jeans, a Gucci belt and a moon necklace that Jeff got me on my birthday.
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"Babe are you ready? We should get-" he shuts his mouth quickly before finishing his sentence. "Umm.. I- I mean- holy shit Y/N" he stares at you, analyzing you up and down before coming towards you and puts his hands on your waist and whispers in your ear "What do you think of canceling this party and just stay here?" His whispers, even after all these months of being in a relationship with him, they give you shivers. You can't help but smile. "I'm sorry tiger but I didn't get ready for nothing. You got yourself in to this" you say with a smirk on your face and giving him a kiss on his jaw line which made him even more frustrated. "Cmon move it tiger I don't wanna be late" he groans as he grabs his varsity jacket and takes your hand leading to your front door.
After a 10 minute ride to Jess' house, you two walk to her front yard seeing already drunk teenagers laughing, teasing and well, making out. "Wow already drunk I see" you say entering the house and seeing Jessica dancing with Justin. "Y/N!! Jeff!! How's my otp?" She greets you both with a huge smile on her face. "Pretty good. This one forced me to come." You look at Jeff and he tightens his grip on your waist. "Why you didn't want to come to my party? You're breaking my heart Y/N!" She says joking and making a sad face knowing that you don't like partying a lot. "Anyway since you're here why not have fun huh?" Says Justin giving a devilish look at Jeff which made him kiss your neck playfully. "Easy there tiger, as I said before you got into this mess on your own" you said turning around and playfully pushing his chest with your index finger. "Oh come on baby" he whines. "Go have fun with your friends babe. And by the way I'm keeping your eye on you" you said grabbing Jessica's arm and heading to Hannah who was sitting on the couch.
"Boo!" You shout making Hannah jump. "God Y/N don't ever do that shit!" She chuckles. "Why are you sitting here alone?" You sit next to her and Hannah glances over to where Clay Jensen was. "Oh my god! You like Jensen?" Jess gasps. "Oh Jess that's not new believe me." You say and Hannah slightly punches your arm. "Okay I do like him a little" you raise your eyebrow and she looks at you with a 'what' face "oh come on a little" you say making quote marks with your hands. She rolls her eyes "okay I like him a lot, satisfied?" She shrugs "no I'm not satisfied. Go to him and chat" you cross your arms. "Are you batshit crazy?! No way" she semi-whispers. "Come on Han, remember how Y/N and Jeff started hanging out and then dating" Jess points at me. "Um Jeff was tutored by Clay and Y/N happened to hang out with Clay?" Hannah says and  looks at both of as confused. "Kinda, well Clay happened to know that Jeff likes me and I also told him one day and he convinced me to talk with Jeff. We started hanging out and I helped him with French and boom our first date at the Crestmont theatre." You say and glance at Jeff who was already looking at your direction with Clay. "Hey Han, come with me." You say standing up and taking her hand. "No Y/N, no way" Hannah denies understanding where you wanna go. "Han please just let me be Cupid today" you look at her with a smile and puppy eyes which makes her roll her eyes and giving in.
I've always been Clay's 'cupid' and I need to admit he really did help me with Y/N. I will forever thank him for this and I'll do whatever I have to do to make things happen with him and Hannah.
"Hey babe." You say giving him a peck on the lips and then turn to Clay "Sup Jensen?" "Y/N hi, um nothing much. Hannah..." "Hi Clay" says Hannah sheepishly. "So um Y/N I need to talk to you." says Jeff and you look at him confused "It's kinda urgent" he says again nodding towards Clay and Hannah. "Um yeah sure Jeff let's go" You say grabbing his masculine arm. As you walk away from Clay and Hannah you wink at Hannah and she sights.
"Oh my god we're such matchmakers" you tell Jeff laughing as you're walking upstairs "I know we are." Jeff whispers and he kisses your neck. "You really can't keep your hands to your self can you?" You say with your hands grabbing his neck. "Y/N have you seen yourself? How could I keep my hands away from you?" You can't help but smile to his comment. Jeff moves his kiss from your neck to your jaw line and then to your lips and without a fraction of a second you kiss him back. He grabs the back of your head giving in more in your kiss and you bite his bottom lip. He licked your lower lip asking for the entrance and you let him without hesitation. Now your tongues were dancing in sync. You both part away to catch your breath but after less than a minute Jeff grabs your hips, lifts you up and crashes you on the wall behind you. His kisses move again to your jaw line down to your sweet spot and starts sucking on it making a little love mark.
After a while of sucking each other's faces you go downstairs where Zach tells Jeff to go for a beer run.
"I wanna come with you babe" you ask looking up to his tall figure. "It's okay my French lady, I'll be back in 10 minutes anyway" he kisses the tip of your nose and he walks out of the door. You wanted to go after him, you had a bad feeling about this but when you did he was already turning left. "I'm probably overthinking this" you said and went back inside to find Jess or Hannah.
-After 10 minutes-
"Clay what's up?" You ask worried since you haven't heard from your boyfriend. You look at Hannah who looks concerned. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" the phone dropped out of hands and you started crying, being out of breath you were at the edge of having a panic attack. "Y/N WHAT HAPPENED?!" Hannah continued asking being really worried about you. "I- I need to go NOW" you picked your phone and started running outside the house "Clay which intersection you said?!" You asked trying to calm a little "Okay I'm coming right now".
Hey, I hope it's good if it's not.. sorry.
I'm taking requests so if you have one just send it.
I'll probably start writing part 2 right now because I have nothing else to do.
Okie byee
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