#I'm really fxcking gay
local-witch-of-mn · 8 months
So I learned the power of Renée Rapp when I went and saw Mean Girls(2024) and I'm now writing a Sapphic Regina George fanfiction and it being slightly toxic relationship of her being sweetly mean
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makerofmadness · 1 year
People talk about needing to recognize terf rhetoric but I think y'all need to learn how to recognize proshxtter rhetoric too. I keep getting jumpscared by this stuff on my dash 'cus I blacklist proshxt-related tags so they stand out really easily. Even then often I'll see posts that say basically the exact same things as these proshxt posts that aren't tagged as such but I refuse to reblog them because I recognize the type of language used and the topics discussed.
Like bruh if people are complaining about "Puritanism" regarding fanfiction 9 times out of 10 they're just mad that people don't think there's any real benefit out of writing little jimmy x old man johnson smut fanfic with glorified prose going into detail on every stage of buttsex unless you're a groomer trying to use it to desensitize impressionable kids to pedophilia
they act like any form of fxcking moderation and standards is an attack against queer people, even when other queer people are complaining about this because most of us don't approve of kid diddlers either. Also Wattpad has rules and people still post gay mpreg constantly (which is not against the rules) so your point falls apart right there, stop trying to equate pedophilia with queerness you're setting our community back and playing into some of the very homophobic stereotypes that surround us. Just use a site that isn't ao3 for once in your lives and stop gaslighting yourselves into thinking that that's the only place where gay fanworks are allowed when clearly it's not. (No I am not blindly bashing ao3, I do think its tag filtering system is incredible and should be adopted by more websites in general because it really is a miracle for finding the kind of stuff you want. I'm just saying that I found it kinda pathetic how people treat it like any other site is fxcking 1984).
and these people act as if us not wanting child grooming material is equal to us saying that we don't think those topics should be covered at all. Obviously fxcking not, before any proshxtters try to say anything: I am literally one of the like three fans of the white day game series on here and those games cover some REALLY dark topics, including pedophilia. Among other things. The difference is in how it's handled. White Day covers it as a harsh reality and a dark facet of teenage life, one teen starts an affair with her art teacher and becomes pregnant, and she later takes her own life. Stuff like this does indeed happen in real life. And the game doesn't give detailed descriptions of sex scenes between them (which really isn't needed and doesn't benefit anyway except people who get off to it). It doesn't let itself become material used to perpetuate the very topic it discusses. Basically it's not gratifying.
i swear if I see like one more proshxt post on my dashboard I am going to actually try to make a guide to the dogwhistles and things to look out for, but for now I think I've discussed enough to make these posts a little more apparent. Obviously not everyone who reblogs these posts are proshxtters, but the inability to recognize the posts as being from these people is concerning.
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solarnomoon · 1 year
I just currently reread your about me and I just realized- TODAY- I JUST FXCKING REALIZED TODAY THAT YOU'RE FILIPINO 😭😭😭😭
Damn time to get new glasses cuz I'm blind af and did NOT- see that you're filipino as well- 😞😞😞😞 enegays- fuck that anon that said "ew gay bitch" >:[ we don't need no homophobic ass-
Enough of that shit- HOW YA DOIN'????🥰🥰🥰🥰 (Cuz my stupid ass just realized I have NOT- interacted with you even though I follow you- I think-)
haha yeah i am filo!!
no worries ab the anon, i dont really care just cause like ??? i genuinely found it funny cause no way someone sent that being for real, yk what i mean?
im good, thanks for asking OwO. senioritis is kicking my ASS tho like fuckkkk.
how are you? :3
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