#I'm simply sleepy by nature I like sleep too much to intentionally stay up
lavenoon · 2 years
Hey, babe ❤️
🥵 (Would you rather be too hot or too cold?) 🌦 (What’s your favourite weather?l 🍂 (What’s your favourite season?) 😴 (What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?)
Hi Naff <3
Between heat and chill, I'll always pick chill. Being too cold of course also isn't comfortable, and I'm no stranger to shaking so much I can barely do anything, but I simply despise sweating and feeling too hot, it's way way worse than being too cold, and I hate how my brain melts way way too early in the heat. (The winters here don't get that cold, anyway, I'm just prudent about heating, and the summers are getting hotter and hotter, so I simply experience more heat than chill)
My favorite weather... When in the safety of my home, I love those pouring rain lightning storms, all with counting the seconds between the lightning and thunder. And the pitter patter of heavy rain on windows is so nice! But just for going out I really like just mild weather - sunny with a couple clouds, not too hot, not too cold, and ideally really really windy!! Idk why, but I just really like wind, how it feels what it sounds like, so windy spring/fall days are my faves!
After that sentence, the season is probably no surprise either - spring and fall are tied! I just prefer the milder weather, I don't have allergies so spring is fine, plus I like how the energy returns in everything! Like after winter everyone and everything is ready to enjoy life again! And fall is the much needed reprieve after summer, with that nice nice windy weather I like <3
As for sleep crimes, I've committed plenty - now if only I could remember fhdjs I know I once pulled a near all nighter when I was like, 12? To watch Elfenlied on a school night (don't do that kids), so I ended up being up 22 hours and sleeping for 2 before I got back up for school again. Also on the trip we did in our last year of high school, we drove to florence by bus and that took a good bit, on the trip back I had slept badly the night before, then couldn't sleep in the bus at all, and also got into the 20 something hours of no sleep just to pass out as soon as I got home (and then I belatedly celebrated my 18th birthday with my family, which happened while I was in Florence) Nothing too terrible but my schedule was really really bad in general, so that was always just gasoline to the flame of bad sleep fhjdsk
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