#I'm so damn tired I can't even blabber too much on the tags like I always do
polarisbibliotheque · 8 months
Just letting you know I finished another chapter of Nemesis, and I'll be posting it as soon as possible ^^
As you guys know, I've been struggling with my health and the whole system. I've been visiting lawyers, screaming at my health insurance, and figuring out what to do. I've had a few days also I could barely get out of bed 'cause my body was giving out and that's new, to be honest. So, I'm doing what I can with the time I have energy to work - it might not be as fast as I want, but hey, it's something at least.
On a side note, I'm trying to get an original story of mine "out of paper". There's a guy I follow on Youtube and he divised the "Alphabet Superset" which is basically for creatives (any sort of art!) to create and post their work every week.
So I'm trying to every week make an illustration related to this novel I'm writing - called, for now, Nyx Protocol, a cyberpunk thing - and post on instagram.
Yes! I've an instagram now! You guys are welcome to follow me there: polarisbibliotheque on instagram
I'll be posting on my art profile here and reblogging on this profile, because I'm signing as polaris/polarisbibliotheque and I don't want you guys to think someone "stole" my ~identity~ hahahahaha
That's the least I'm able to do while I'm so sick. I'll keep on updating Nemesis and I'll try to do it a bit more regularly, as well as pick up on the Shall Never Surrender project again. It's terrible for me to not have energy to walk, but I hope soon I'll be able to gather a little more energy and have all things back on track again.
Thanks so much for being here!! ^^
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