#I'm so excited to take her <33 we're gonna travel all over one day!!!!
qilinkisser · 1 year
ahh I don't post about ganyupillow enough
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ateez-himari · 1 month
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[AM 7:31] good morning atiny, please enjoy this sighting of my angel being sleepy...i did her hair, it looks nice right ? - mingi
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[AM 7:31] ㅋㅋㅋ it looks this soft because i brushed it for two whole minutes, it just felt so nice - mingi
[AM 7:31] You're right it's too early to be awake on a day off 😴 But it's because I went to see my parents and I like going early when no one is there yet, plus I wanted to see them before leaving. The other members wanted to come too so everyone's having breakfast together
[AM 7:32] Ah no, my biological parents. The cemetery their tombs are in is pretty far so we had to travel there by train, we also bought incense on the way
[AM 7:32] I usually like being alone with them unless it's a special occasion, since I don't get to come by very often. Today I was happy they came to say hi though, Yunho oppa even prayed with me, then I prayed alone
[AM 7:33] I wouldn't say I'm religious, I do have spiritual beliefs because my mom followed the Shinto religion, my dad was atheist though but he would often take part in rituals and pray with her
[AM 7:34] I value protection a lot. Actually I have a bracelet that I wear all the time, Hanzo nii-chan made it for me out of pieces from a stone tower he built to pray for my health. Apparently Jungkook oppa came to visit to pray too
[AM 7:35] ㅎㅎ no I don't call my biological brother 'oppa'. When we moved to Korea my mom wanted us to keep our Japanese heritage so I use that honorific instead. That's why neither of us changed our names after getting adopted
[AM 7:35] Ooh, babytinys, that's exciting! I do have a Korean name, it's Hayun, my dad gave it to me a few days after I was born. Both of my names have similar meanings actually. Himari can be read as 'sunflower' or 'ball of light' and Hayun means sunlight! It's pretty cool
[AM 7:36] ㅎㅎ Jongho oppa wants to make sure everyone knows he says hi, he said to look forward to his update because he's gonna post picture of us
[AM 7:37] Oh the festival ? Please don't worry about that, it was just really hot so performing was hard, but I'm alright. I've been a little reckless with my health lately but our captain is watching over me closely now
[AM 7:37] Yeah, I have supplements, Seonghwa oppa got me a cute case for them. We also have a doctor with us at all times so if anything happens we'll be taken care of right away so don't focus on that too much!
[AM 7:38] Hmm I'm not sure...I have a dinner date tonight but we don't have any plans in between. I might go buy some more art supplies, Hyunjin oppa found a new store last time he came here
[AM 7:38] Here, these are the pieces I've worked on recently (I finished the second one yesterday after the fan meeting)
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[AM 7:39] These ones were made with markers actually! I usually use ink but since we've been travelling lately, it's complicated to transport it without spilling
[AM 7:40] I promise I'll tell you more later, but Sannie oppa just came back from the washroom so we're off to eat now!
[AM 7:40] ㅎㅎNo we haven't had breakfast, we just came to this shop for coffee because Momo unnie recommended it, she texted it to me yesterday!
[AM 7:40] Oops, I really have to go now, Hongjoong oppa's grumbling about being hungry (as usual ㅎㅎㅎ) ♡ Love you so much, kisses!
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