#I'm so fucking tired lmao just killme
kylos-starlight · 5 months
I thought I had a possible job lead this morning :/ Nope. Just fucking incompetent people who make their online job listing different than the actual job requirements. Just venting under the cut : ) Job market is ass.
I've been looking into warehouse work (because that's where I feel most comfortable.) and the posting online said they were looking for someone to take inventory. Hi, Hello, I did that a lot at my old job so I'm well versed in counting very large quantities of things.
Also my old job we didn't have computers to do it so we would literally shut down production for 2 days to hand count E V E R Y T H I N G. Thankfully not individually but by boxes because everything always had the quantity on it unless we opened the box to pick from it THEN we would have to individually count the contents inside.
Online posting said had to be good using a tablets and what have you which again hello, hi I did with my side job being a merchandise associate, my nose was buried in a tablet more often than not.
Said they needed a year of experience. I was just shy of a year but gave it a shot anyways, sent them my resume and cover letter AND called them.
Guy on the phone says he has no idea what I'm talking about because the job posting is for a reach truck driver and I'm like uhmmmm nooo??? I'm literally looking at the posting that was posted literally yesterday and it says they're looking for people to do inventory work???
This guy fucking tried to fight with me on the phone and I was like "I'm going to email you AGAIN except this time with a screenshot of your own posting to prove it" He hung up on me and when I tried to send the email it didn't go through.
WHAT the FUCK is wrong with people!
Also more of the same bs from two other places of "No exp needed~" on the website but "you have to have at least 5 yrs exp" over the phone. FUCK OFFFFFFFF
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