#I'm sometimes surprised how little people bring up the fact that Logan tried to steal from Emily for fun...
literatigifs · 2 years
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I don't really understand the logic behind people taking issue with this part. Yes, Jess took her bracelet, knew it was hers and didn't immediately give it back to her. But he's merely shown keeping it in a pocket and twirling it around, it's meant to showcase that he's interested in Rory if he decided he wanted to keep something of hers around before he gave it back. Then once he hears that she's been looking for it, he tries to give it back to her in an unsuspicious way in order to not "reveal" too much about himself (and that he likes her which is why he even kept it in the first place). It's not grand theft? It's a teenage boy with a crush, and it's frankly far from the worst "crime" any character has ever done on this show.
One thing I do find ironic though is how mostly Logan fans focus on this bit in order to find another reason as to why Jess is "creepy and problematic", while their home boy Logan had no problem trying to steal an expensive ornament from Emily's side table, replacing it with an object from another house and almost getting the maid wrongly accused of stealing the ornament and almost getting fired if Lorelai hadn't stepped in. I may find Lorelai's behavior towards Jess a tad erratic in general in season 2, but I can understand why she reacted suddenly towards finding out that Jess had Rory's bracelet on him when Rory tried to find it. So it's a bit funny seeing fans of Logan conveniently forget that Lorelai also didn't find the whole "switching ornaments" bit funny either, to the point where she had to behave like a guardian to a 24 year old young adult who was dating her daughter and was at a dinner at her parents' house.
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