#I'm sorry shino simps
delirious-donna · 2 years
Hi Donna!
I hope you’re doing okay and that you’re happy! Also!That your kinktober list rocked!
Okay, so….confession time; I really want some beautiful Shino Aburame nsfw ❤️‍🔥 If you have the time, I’m begging you. This new obsession is not okay- I mean, it’s more than okay. It’s- delicious. I was so surprised by this. I mean, I never expected to be attracted to Shino and then-BAM! It came out of left field and knocked me on my ass. So, if you could oblige one of your poor sinful little readers I’d be ever so grateful.
Kisses & bites (to show my love)
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Oh gosh, I feel so bad 😭
Yeah... I don't write for Shino.
He is on my no no list because, quite frankly, I don't like him. I'm sorry, I know he is liked by a few of my moots but it's a no from me and I can't bring myself to write anything, let alone smut for someone that I dislike. And not even dislike in an “I hate you, lets fuck” way, more a “please don't come near me with those bugs” way.
May I suggest my darling friend @allyallygator because they recently posted a Shino story and I'm sure that was a NSFW one? 🤔
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vbee-miya · 3 years
[what i'd feed you based on which naruto/boruto characters you like]
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✥︎ tenten, shino, iruka, rin, sasori, konohamaru || m.list
type: rating?
warnings: food
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≼ Tenten ≽
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i love you all so very much. you guys are *mawh*
≼ Iruka Umino ≽
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i love him and you love him lets be friends
≼ Shino Aburame ≽
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all i can say i'm sorry for what had happened to him in boruto. however shino simps/people who just like him are elite
≼ Rin Nohara ≽
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i love you all. super sweet
≼ Sasori ≽
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some of you guys scare me
≼ Konohamaru Sarutobi ≽
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you guys fajdfkwef i love you guys you're so funny and frankly konohamaru deserves more recognition :[
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part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || part seven || part eight || part nine || part ten || part eleven || part twelve || part thirteen || part fourteen || part fifteen || part sixteen || currently on || part eighteen || part nineteen || baki
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