#I'm still excited for this
thollukthcaptor · 7 years
honestly, hiveswap has been through some shit.
the hired developers scammed hussie out of the kickstarter money and used most of it to make their own game, the ensuing legal battle lasted years. He had to form a new goddamn development team and found a studio from scratch, not to mention the actual time it takes to MAKE a game as detailed as hiveswap looks, coming from a small studio.
I’m not gonna say people’s criticisms are unfounded, of course it’s frustrating to be fed only small teasers and have the release dates be extended multiple times, and I think the hiveswap team could have done a much better job about being transparent. I see a lot of criticisms on the wait time but please remember what a hard time it had just getting off the ground in the first place.
Personally? I’m okay with it. It sucks to wait, yeah, but I would much rather get a polished game in the end than something that feels half finished and untested for bugs, and by the look of the trailers they’re really pouring a lot of quality into this.
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fastpainintheass · 10 years
silver shirt {monitoringyourxfrequency}
“Sutherland, Cartwright, Dragonfly...  McKenzie, Ghilbert, Excalibur... McCoy, Jackson, Horatio...”
Pietro slunk down in his seat and closed his eyes, trying desperately to tune out the Starfleet Admiral's voice. The class of 2234, his class had finally graduated, and now they were being assigned their part-time mentors for their first times on a real Federation ship. Truth be told Pietro would rather have been getting a tooth filled without any Novocain than have someone pick his mentor for him; still, he couldn't help but hope it would be Evelyn Torres, the pretty girl who was in Engineering for the U.S.S. Farragut, even though Engineering wasn't his department. 
"Maximoff, Uhura, Enterprise..."
He tried and failed to stifle a groan at that; not only was he not getting Evelyn Torres as his mentor, but also being assigned to what cadets whispered was the toughest xenolinguistics relayer in the Fleet. 
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squeakygirl · 11 years
so my babblr is installed but it's having issues logging me in
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