#I'm still not sure what poke-carthage was called
professor-mystic · 2 years
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This is a great tusk, and in the background is its cousin, Donphan.
While both these Pokémon look much alike, they are only distant relatives. There are no direct descendants of the mighty Great Tusk living in Paldea (or Johto for that matter) today. And all we know is the relation is distant, we don't even know if one became the other.
If there isn't an unbroken line from one to the other. Why are there donphan in Paldea?
A war. A war very long ago, during the time of the Lyconian Empire. A rival seafaring empire was at war with the then Lyconian Republic.
A great general crossed over the mountains through Kalos and Paldea. And some of those pokemon escaped, and founded the modern lines.
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The donphan here are quicker to fight and stand their ground than the ones I remember from Johto. Another link to their past as creatures of war.
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