#I'm still on Flat and Cayden for now! ;
lancerofclay · 4 years
Sorry all! Looks like I let activity slip on this blog. (Just as a heads-up to others since it’s not all that intuitive, though it is spelled out in the rules: You have to make up activity while you’re on hiatus if you take the full month of hiatus. So it’s not actually a full month of hiatus - It’s one day short of a month. Either way, I was overdue for activity.) 
No hard feelings- I’ve had Enkidu in this and the mfrp that came before it for 6 solid years. It’s definitely time to give someone else a turn. I can’t wait to see what kind of Enkidu they write, and I really hope I can thread with them on my other blogs!
Tldr: Maybe I’ll be back one day, but for now, this blog is inactive. 
Feel free to unfollow, and please do follow the new Enkidu when they app! 
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