#I'm sure there will still be lots of donation drive volunteers giving gay men the side eye
thundercrackfic · 1 year
It's a banner day, y'all: "The FDA’s previous blood donation eligibility criteria based on sexual orientation, which restricted sexually active gay and bisexual men from giving blood, has been eliminated."
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Here's the text:
When more people can donate blood, more patients can thrive. Significant updates have been made to blood donation eligibility in recent years toward this goal, and we have exciting news to share that will allow even more people to help save lives through blood donation.
On Aug. 7, the American Red Cross implemented the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s new blood donation eligibility guidance regarding an individual donor assessment for all donors regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Years of data have demonstrated that these new eligibility screening process updates ensure a safe blood supply.
Here’s what to know about the new FDA guidance:
All potential donors will see new non-gendered questions when they come to donate.
All potential donors, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, will be asked the same questions and be assessed for blood donation eligibility based on individual risk factors.
The FDA’s previous blood donation eligibility criteria based on sexual orientation, which restricted sexually active gay and bisexual men from giving blood, has been eliminated.
We celebrate this significant progress that eliminates policies based on sexual orientation and moves to a more inclusive process that treats all donors with equality and respect while keeping the blood supply safe.
Now, even more people are able to give
This was not the only recent major blood donor eligibility change to help more people engage in the lifesaving act of blood donation. In addition, the FDA lifted the lifetime deferral for those who spent time in certain European countries during "mad cow" outbreaks. Also, the Red Cross expanded Power Red donation height and weight requirements for female donors. You can learn more about all of these updates as part of our Eligibility FAQs. There is also information specific to the LGBTQ+ community on our LGBTQ+ Donors page.
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