#I'm thinking about comic Rachel casually telling Chloe that she's going to see Frank and having a lot of thoughts about it
arcadiabaytornado · 5 months
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This aspect of the Amberprice relationship fascinates me so much because how much did Rachel hide, and how much did Chloe refuse to see? 
Did Rachel put on a sweet smile and lie that she was heading home when she was really going to hang out with friends that Chloe wouldn’t like? Or did Rachel tell the truth knowing that Chloe would make up a narrative in her head? Did Rachel admit to hanging out with characters that Chloe wouldn’t like, only to be met with the thought process of: “Well, she would never really enjoy hanging out with those people. She probably just wants her photo taken.” 
The game very much says that both are true, but we don’t have the finer details.  For example: Chloe says that Rachel lied to her about Frank, though we don’t know what the lie was or the maginitude of the lie. Did Rachel tell Chloe that she wasn’t romantically involved with Frank and she was crazy for even thinking so? Or did Rachel say that she was “just” flirting with him, and Chloe downplayed what that meant because she couldn’t face the idea that Rachel was moving on without her? 
It’s so interesting to think about because we only see Chloe’s side of the story. She feels like Rachel deceived her, and we know that’s true because of the junkyard letter where Rachel blatantly says that she’s keeping her “romance” with Mark a secret. However, I do sometimes wonder how much Chloe refused to see what was right in front of her, especially because her first reaction to Rachel and Frank was to go into denial and justify it to herself. 
This is one aspect of Amberprice I think about all the time because, while Rachel clearly wasn’t a 100% honest person, Chloe was clearly turning a blind eye to things as well. I think “How much did Rachel lie about, and how much was obvious but Chloe either downplayed or chose not to pay attention to?” is a genuine question because the answer majorly changes things about their dynamic. Personally, I imagine it as a bit of a 50/50 split, but that answer isn’t set in stone. 
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