#I'm trying to fix the wrongs of the universe but tumblr doesn't agree
burninblood · 1 year
TUMBLR, why are you, as a platform, such a buckynat antis?!?!?!
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God isn't Tumblr just the best?
I love when I write a comment agreeing with OP then getting attacked by some rando, defending myself then told I'm unsufferable? Wow, okay. And what caused all this? A steven Universe argument. If ever before I thought the SU fans were psychos this makes me never want to talk to anyone online about kids shows because there rabid. So - minecraft came out and this was the response.
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So I'm of the opinion that just because it's a "Kids show-" doesn't give it the excuse of it being straight up garbage the PROBLEM however is that as SOON as the discussion is about kids shows or speicifically, using SU as an example all of a sudden people jump to conclusions and in turn act childish themselves and can't have a normal civil conversation without making a topic like SU go from 0-100 real quick.
So a Tumblr Post wrote this;
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Which I agreed with and wrote a comment saying;
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What was wrong with this? tell me like I'm five- because how could someone see this and go "Yeah thats a bad take and I'm gonna have a problem with it." Look if a show like Voltron is like "It's about war," but then makes you care for characters like, Allura, Lance, Lotor and Kuron ONLY to just ruin them then use the excuse-
"It's a kids show, it's not that serious-" But with word limits I didn't use that (Didn't even think i HAD to) to explain.
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...Okay? This comment just felt passive aggresive, and it rubbed me the wrong way thinking, "Why are you upset?" Or maybe I'm wrong maybe their just really passionate - but this is sarcastic, who knows? So either this is going to be an argument OR I'm just taking it the wrong way so I ASKED-
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I knew where it was going so I tried to write "It's a kids show don't take it too seriously," because I thougt that would make them chill out and discuss like adults, but yeah- EVERYONE agrees SU is good 90% they in every single episode spoke about dark complex themes and look peridot fighting back against yellow WAS good writing, but the last season final was rushed (and that wasn't the crews fault, they had problems so we'll allow it) and yeah they fixed these problems a little with SUfuture that the events of that time did have an impact (but of course word limit, and I just assumed everyone was on the same page- we ALL know SU is unless you lived under a rock and yeah that it handled facism of colonising military gems taking over planets, but when compared to AITA and how THAT included themes of war one is better than the other)
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Now THIS is why I got annoyed and assumed this person was just an asshole- any type of conversation went out the window because no where did I put-
"This 14 year old didn't execute his aunts?" where did I write that in the previous replys? This person was just twisting what I was saying- so anymore responses would've led to this, and the mental gymnastics to understand THEIR pov and the passive aggresive tone as if I was some stick figure to their argument like hell I was going to waste my time, at that point I took it as an attack and thought fuck this, theres no point to it.
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And yeah I'm being rude- but they were being rude first, at that point I just wanted nothing to do with it anymore and just go on with my life, and when I said that they were confusing I was admitting that maybe I'm the one whose taking it wrong, so either way we should've both agreed to disagree and move on- nope.
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Yeah but using the "14 year old didn't kill his aunts," implies thats my take and why I think SU was a badly written show, and trying to explain thats NOT my reasoning is just detracting onto the actual problems of SU (Which when I used SU as an example I thought it would make it EASIER, I had no idea that people would just JUMP to conclusions on where people are coming from and having SCRIPTED arguments instead of idk READING WHAT THE PERSON IS CURRENTLY WRITING)
And yeah this person was right - but that wasn't my argument, there was a formula with Su that was repitive with all seasons, and they discussed and fixed problems and seemed to be doing fine- like Stevens birthday party, or Steven and Connies fight, or even Peridot standing up to yellow= GOOD WRITING the finale of SU= Rushed writing.
And if people in charge of companies didn't use the excuse of "It's a kids show-" THEIR meaning being "Kids are dumb and won't notice or even care so if it's rushed or crap it won't matter lets just cancel the show-" But it's frustrating that SU could've ended better if companies treat kids shows with the respect of adult shows?
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What? THIS person was the one who was being antoganstic but I was supposed to respect THEIR thought pattern, but instead of just clarfying when I FREAKIN ASKED - instead of starting the convo headstrong with a sarcastic remark then have the nerve to think "WHy is this person upset?" Why should I talk to anyone who was being rude then give THEM the benefit of the doubt?
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It was hard to take anything they said as a discussion. when I had already saw EVERY response as an attack, my original comment was
"If a kids show has dark themes they should handle those dark themes well, and if it's written terribly shouldn't use a lazy excuse like "It's just a kids show." to write hot garbage and call it a day-"
Just to get met with "gOod ThIng tHe bAd gUyS tAkInG oVeR iSn'T a mAtUrE aNd dArK tHEme~" Like what was your problem? If someone writes something edgy that a 12 year old on devientart would write but THEN say "Oh this is just as good as Hunger games! It's written just as well-" for me to watch it and think, "You WISH you were hunger games," and pointing that out DOESN'T mean I the material, just that it didn't do well. SU was a story that talked out their problems and found other solutions to fix a problem without the use of violence. And thats good, but there are some episodes of SU that DID NOT HANDLE THEM WELL.
And when people point that out- like they would ANY literature or Medium regardless if it was a kids cartoon, or an adults movie or book it's still the same! Or if people there ARE moments you think, okay it is a kids show it's allowed some leeway- but then you compare SU to Avatar, to Samurai Jack, to Teen Titans, to Star wars clone wars and SU falls short. (Doesn't mean its a bad show) And yes absoluetly SU had bad writing - not just bad but some things thats really fucked up to normalise to kids. (2001) Hole. A movie where a girl had a crush on a guy and she had the key to this hole, all these kids went in, saw it was locked and ended up starving on food (Kiera knightly died in this one) and after one of them by being driven insane as only three were left, killed his bff when he opened the last can of pepsi. The girl who had the key the whole time, who could realise them at any moment who had their death on her hands- kept them locked up to emotionally manipulate the guy into liking her back-
Sound familiar? SADIE did the same thing and emotionally manipulated LARS and the two made out on the island (where SHE knew where the portal was and HID it) she dragged Lars AND steven a CHILD onto an island for how many weeks just to turn around and say- "I did it for you lars, I did it to help you-" thas abusive. And people still like Sadie and that episode portrayed Sadie as in the right, for lying, manipulating and putting Lars and Steven in danger- Next episode, Lars lies to hand out with the cool kids, lie Sadie he's justified right? Not as if he's killing anyone- oh no he's in the wrong AGAIN and ends up getting a drink that burns his mouth, something only gems can withstand and he could barely speak (or defend himself) as Sadie ripped into him and said that is was HIS fault. Also Lars died. Hair pink, trapped in space running for his life-
And yet HERE'S sadie complaining about the double shifts (Which she could just...not do? Dying is a good reason to not come into work) and makes it all about LARS - bitch he DIED.
so anyway that was a trainwreck, and YES I am aware that sometimes I AM the problem I am just a dumb person who misreads and flys of the handle that would give elphaba a run for her money. But anyway I moved on, figured we were both not on the same wavelength but that persons comments just rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn't help but see every response as someone condescending but then get this after.
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I've watched the show, and if I used it as an excuse I don't need the entire premise explained to me like I'm a child. But I disagree that this is fine writing, I've watched tons of cartoons, read tons of books and watched tons of movies that have explained a nuance morally grey character who is trapped in their role much more better- I am forgiving of SU and the Crew because they were under time constraints and had limited episodes to get their point across.
SUfuture actually fixes the problems of WD and the other diamonds who carry on completely oblivious to their actions and think that talking it out and forgive and forget is good for everyone (until Steven possesed WD and tried to shatter her forehead diamond)
But first time watching SU the finale, being told thats the end at that point people are allowed to say that the forumla for every episode of SU has been consistent BUT the final episodes and a few leading up to it weren't written with the same expertise as the first few episodes. I think the french fry kid working for his dad and trying to play with steven and feeling too old for it- did a much better job of detailing a person trapped in their role better than WD did at the end. I compare SU to ITSELF, first season writing was good, final was rushed.
And thats a fact, which is why no one praises SU as much as they praise ATLA.
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I'm sorry to say this is a little bit (no offense) a chronically online take. No one outside the internet thinks that a kid show teaches kids real life lessons- most people look down on kids shows and on adults who watch it- INCLUDING the executive of Disney themselves. Kids shows are now just used as a free babysitter to give the parents some peace, and some shows ARE good and aren't lazy and treat kids with the respect they deserve but thats not true for all of it.
9/10 everytime someone says; "It's just a kids show." They mean.
a. Don't take it seriously, it's just a dumb show no speical meaning. b. Its NOT supposed to be that deep or profound its a generic show. c. the producers/writers don't try as hard knowing no one would care if the writing was shit.
Like Voltron- Bex Taylor said "This isn't JUST a kids show it's about war-" but then handled it terribly, like forget it's a kids show- forget the stupid ship wars as a story, making us care for Lotor?
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Why give us this? Why give us a DND episode making the fans feel bad for Kuron and in the forumula of writing REDEEM these two characters JUST for the producers/writers to act shocked when the fanbase was upset thinking why did they kill off these characters? Why give Lance a sword when he barely used it? Why say one moment "It's about war-" Only to then turn around and say "Oh yeah nevermind," Lance almost died in the second season and the characters reacted to that Shiro HAD ptsd-
ALLLL forgotten, Lance ACTUALLY died in S5 no one cared, and shiro's PTSD? poof gone, what PTSD? But the fandom can't complain- we're then labelled as psychos who take KIDS CARTOONS TOO SERIOUSLY.
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That actually wasn't my point- this was what I wrote and I'll admit yeah- my point was above with the Voltron rant- but I LOST my point when so many people kept distracting from the argument saying-
"Oh people are angry that Steven didn't kill his aunts-"
"Thats not what I said-" "Oh not YOU, people in general-"
Then why bring that up!? What does that add or take away from my original comment?
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I agree with this but now I'm even more confused (more at myself really this is like mental rubix cube) because now I'm thinking wait- Did I write or imply that SU wasn't about facism, is that why people are upset? No I didn't write it, but thats why I'm frustrated because people are thinking of others and in their mind they have the evidence - I can't read peoples thoughts I'm not thinking of what they're thinking off, so yeah I know SU but any bad takes? I'm out the loop but these comments or focused on bad takes OTHERS have said and applied that to ME- hence the strawman argument.
People who assume instead of reading what the person is saying have a script because of discussions they've had with others. So a simple "If a kid show has dark themes but it's handled badly the writers should take responsibility to do better not assume kids are stupid and being lazy," And it snowballed to this.
So overall- pretty much done with that- at the time it felt like an attack, that my words were twisted and just annoyed that a person was using me for a stick-man argument and just made ASSUMPTIONS about what I was saying and wondered why it was rubbing me the wrong way.
Then months later having forgotten all about it. Get this.
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I don't care, yet you spend the time to make the comment- what did you want out of this a cookie? THink I'm just going to sit here and be insulted when I thought I was completely justifiable in my responses over defending myself.
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What have I learned from this? Kids shows- especially Steven Universe- BRINGS OUT THE WORST IN PEOPLE (and I'm including myself in there) Yes Steven universe was a good show, but jesus some of the writing isn't that great.
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sweetpeawriter-tm · 3 years
Hello! Nia here, I've been seeing this happen time and time again and I think it's time to give a proper thought about dog-piling and how it can negatively effect community action.
As always, the disclaimers:
1. I am one person, these are my thoughts and my thoughts alone.
2. This is based off my own experiences and things I've seen so YMMV
Okay...to the cut!
Before we begin I always like to do a little vocab:
1. Community action: When a community handles a injustice done on a person (in this case). In the context of tumblr/online culture. It may be calling someone out, blocking them and privately warning others, or handling it via talking to them in a group setting.
2. Dog-piling: When a large group of people jump one person for any reason. In this case it will be hounding them online.
We all know there have been discussions of callout culture, cancel culture....other words stolen from the black community to be misused. I tend to not always agree with criticism of these things because it tends to be more worried about active oppressors and accidentally rocking the boat more so then...actual criticism of it. People are more worried about causing 'drama' when calling out racism then making sure they do it correctly to avoid further harm and trauma to those who were hurt originally.
To ME personally the goal of any of these movements is to prevent further harm. Either talking to the person, having to warn others, or worse case making a public callout is all to avoid harming a community further. This is why I believe we all need to avoid dog-piling.
Again this is specifically talking about online cases. If a university is racist IDGAF. Spam that instagram. This is more personal 1 on 1 based.
Online I have seen people be called out over a wrong doing, and it was needed! But sometimes people would use this chance to actively hurt the person getting called out. To the point of rape threats, death threats or stalking. This usually causes a effect where another group of people then attack against ...anyone and everyone. It tends to be a big blow out right? Then three days past. Most people forget....and nothing is really done to fix what had actually occurred. For the victims or anyone else.
Now pause. Let's do a faq.
1. So I can't be angry?
Of course you can. You can even be bitchy! But I highly suggest really thinking before you join a slew of 500 people so spam someones replies. They probably won't see it, it will disturb your peace, and there's more productive things we can do to help.
2. But what if they (insert thing here)
Listen, Obvi there is always a extreme case or some sorta BUT. I can't account for everything. But in many cases. IT is better to block, move on, and focus on how to help people effected by the event then going after the person. Unless you need to report them to the proper online moderators.
Now that that's out of the way.
I'm not expecting everyone to hold in their emotions or never make a jab at someone. I do it, you do it. It happens. We are human. But I think in the future it may be helpful to try and focus on the community when these things occur. How can we help? Who needs the help? How can we make sure this doesn't happen again?
Dog piling also effects the people doing it. It can make you angry or upset to scour someone's toxic account or behavior and send message after message about it. It can be tiring to see others do the same thing and get hurt from it. I've seen it! People get dog piled and it causes a domino effect of pain and hurt.
I feel like dog piling tends to bury the voices of the people effected by the person being called out or whatever, and can do more harm then good when trying to engage in community action. I may not be 100% with this idea, but I do think it's something to think on.
Also this doesn't mean we stop community action. I just think it should be handled carefully so it can be done with the right people and idea in mind,
Thank you for reading.
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For the ask:
11, 29, 38, 39, 45, 65, 68, 72, 76, 86, 96 (I know, it’s a lot, I couldn’t pick only a few, so if you want just randomly pick few :> )
Would you change your appearance if you could?
If it was possible to turn my arms into wings at will I'd do it in an instant
Do you believe in some form of god/s?
Not sure if god(s), more like the universe in general? And loads of personal superstitions
Is your life what you expected it would be five years ago?
I don't have the brain power to comprehend anything further than a week ahead in the future so I never really thought about what I'd be doing five years from then on
Still don't
Do you know what you want out of life?
Still trying to figure it out
Do you want to be remembered after your death? What for?
Already answered this, in general I'm not sure if there's anything worth remembering and like, I'd say dead people aren't too bothered by whether they are remembered
What age should people be allowed to vote? Should children and teenagers be allowed to vote?
Children definitely don't have the understanding of politics necessary to make the right choices and I'd say the same about teenagers to a degree. Of course there will always be exceptions but generally I don't think it would be a good idea. (I mean my friends and I are 20+ and we still have no idea who to vote mostly, though Czech politics are a mess) I think mostly they'd just be told by their parents who they should vote. What I'm also uncertain about is old people voting, it's a big issue here because a lot of old people keep voting for the same party over and over out of habit and because they aren't sure about the new parties popping up, even if they no longer agree with their party's political programme, and this way they are influencing things that will affect the younger generations in the long term, after they will already be gone. I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed to vote, it's just something that's causing issues and I'm not sure how it could be improved
How do you feel about monogamy?
Sometimes the concept causes more issues than positives tbh. It doesn't say anywhere that humans are strictly monogamous
Should people be prosecuted for crimes that weren’t considered crimes at the time?
In theory, if a person did X before it became illegal they should not be prosecuted, because at the time they did X it was not considered a wrong thing to do and they did X with the thought that their actions are perfectly fine and legal.
In practice, especially if X is something that harmed human lives, that's a different story. I think the rule above could be implemented with a "unless the harmful effects of the then-legal activity are still prevailing to this day" or something along those lines
Do you crave approval and/or praise?
Why do you think I have Tumblr /lh
What’s your toxic trait? Are you trying to improve yourself and fix it?
I depend too much on the opinions and decisions of other people, am lazy, unmotivated and quite selfish, I have trouble seeing other people's point of view and way too often fail to consider other's feelings. In general I mostly just act according to what's best for me and give little thought to others. I'm trying to work on it but often feel like there isn't anything to be done because I keep messing up and only realize the negative actions in retrospective
Is your perception of yourself similar or the same to how others perceive you?
I have no idea how others perceive me, but there are some things where I think their perception is flawed. Too idealistic I'd say
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