#I'm very much in love with cotton candy Garnet
andthetapeworms · 1 year
Lately I have been hyperfixating on Steven universe again and the pokemon nerd will always be rooted deep inside me so I'm going to assign all the Steven universe characters pokemon types (i hope no one did this yet)
First one up is Steven, I'll say normal and fairy. Fairy on behalf of Rose/Pink, and normal since he's half human
Next up is Pearl, she's a fairy and fighting type. I think all pearls would be the same type as their diamonds, so pearl is also a fairy type, but also a fighting type. I don't think she came with that type, I'd like to think she somehow gained it some time during the rebellion
Amethyst would be a rock and fighting type, i think that all quartzes would be a ground type instead of a rock type, but since she's off color, she gets the rock typing.
Garnet is a rock and fairy type. I wanted to do rock and fighting, but I needed to put a fairy in there somewhere for Ruby and Sapphires love obviously! (The former "cotton candy" Garnet design just screams fairy.) I think she's good without the fighting type though, because if you've played any Pokemon game, you'd know that fairy types are RIDICULOUSLY powerful..
Ruby is definitely fire and fighting. What else would she be?
Sapphire would be an ice and psychic. I'm saying psychic, because of her ability to see into the future
Bismuth, I feel, would be a rock and steel type. It just makes a whole lot of sense. Almost every rock and steel type Pokemon that we currently have is insanely physically powerful
Lapis is a water and flying type! for some reason I can't shake the feeling off that the flying type doesn't fit her, but she has wings, she can fly, as can every other lapis, she's a flying type
Peridot is a ground and steel type, I was wondering if psychic would fit more but I don't think her metal powers could really be considered psychic, so steel it is!
Jasper is a ground and fighting, it just fits. She RADIATES Garchomp vibes.
Malachite would definitely be a water and dark type.
Aquamarine is a bug type since she is an insect. I accept no criticism for this (haha jk, she's water and dark)
Nephrite is a rock and bug type! I think she was a pure rock type before her corruption, and being centipeetle gave her the bug type, and even after she was uncorrupted, she kept that type, kind of like how the quartzes keep their horns.
The rutile twins will be a pure rock type. I can't see them having any other type. Maybe a rock and ground but idk!
Fluorite is a fairy type, i really can't see her having any other type than that! It fits her perfectly :)
Padparadscha is another one I'm kinda conflicted about, I know she'll definitely have the normal type, but idk if she'd also have the psychic type. I mean, she definitely has some sort of power, it just doesn't work the way it should. So I'll say normal and psychic.
Rhodonite is another fairy, i don't know if she'd have a second typing, if she did it'd be rock for sure
Blue zircon and yellow zircon would both be pure rock, i really don't see them having a secondary typing.
Doc and army would both be fire and fighting type! It fits them both
Navy would be a fairy type, i can't see her being anything like a fighting type. She might also be a dark type but whether or not it was inherently malicious of her to do what she did in room for Ruby is up for debate (but i like to think she's a sociopath with no morals)
Leggy, i think, might be a normal and rock type .. ? Idk she doesn't seem like she'd have any other type, she's just too confused, she just kinda.. exists
Eyeball would for sure be a dark and fighting type, can't see ANYTHING else fitting that girl
The heaven beetle and earth beetle would both be bug and rock! Very little.
Spinel is a fairy and dark. Like Pearl, she originally was a pure fairy type but gained the dark type. I could kinda see her losing her fairy type after gaining her dark type all together, but she was still silly and cute! She was just too hurt. Even after reaching a much better place mentally, she wouldn't lose the dark type
Yellow diamond would be an electric type, which is cliche, but don't forget she literally has electricity powers!!!
Blue diamond would be water, which is, again, cliche, but water really is her whole thing! She makes people cry, and those happy pill clouds she's rocking in future are, assumably, made out of water like normal clouds are!
White diamond is a psychic and dark type. SHE SCREAMS PSYCHIC AND DARK! it fits her so well! Whenever she's using the new power she has in future that lets people connect with her, she would gain their typing temporarily!
I think yellow and blue pearl would both be the same types as their diamonds! Electric and water respectively!
Volleyball (or pink pearl, or white pearl, wow she has a lot of names) is a pure fairy type. I think while she was under white diamonds control, she was also psychic and dark.
(If there is any one I didn't do that you would want me to, mention them in the replies or notes and I'll edit this and add them :])
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eternalscribbles · 4 years
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Taffy + Steven fusion for tje contest tjing for @taffyandstevenuniverse
I'm going ot be betraying myself jere and using Hs for tje sake of simplicity wjile typing about kinda details N stuffz
So, first off, Ima call em Cotton Candy for ease while talking about them, since that's kinda what I think they kinda look like- some sort of Chocolate Cotton Candy mix. Or CCC for short!
My artstyle ain't really all about them noses and ears, so I drew him without, but he does have em, which is why I drew the little headshot to the left WITH the nose and ears, mostly just so you can see what his hair would do around his ear.
CCC has a cape that he can summon at will like Taffy, and it can change colours between the purple, pink and blue as to how much strength one of the three colours has and the amount that's shown. He can even choose if he wants it all purple, all pink or all blue! However, the white rim stays 24/7. He also has an alternate outfit, which leans more to Taffy's coat thing than Steven's unlike in the main design. Also, just incase it isn't obvious, Taffy's shows and Steven's sandals become slippers!
CCC's weapon is like this sort of cane thing with a kind of blocky rose at the end of it, which opens up to shoot out beams and Deploy a shield around CCC and those around him. His beam only kind of stings and paralyzes the receiver, it doesn't hurt them badly. It can also extend at will. Although, if CCC oh so wishes to do some dramatic moves, he can manually adjust it's length.
I'd imagine CCC would be quite the bubbly person, mainly happy and light and bright. Though in a serious situation, he's serious down to his very core. But he'd totally be weak against jokes and easily crack up.
Also, I'd like to mention that he still has only 2 eyes, 2 arms and 2 legs because if we looks at the show, it seems fusion reflect their relationships extremely visually using the additions in fusion. For example, Garnet, a fusion of love, only has 2 legs and arms, but three eyes. She's a fusion of romantic love. Lapis and Jasper, Malachite, is a toxic fusion in more ways than one. Their form looks monstrous, giant with 4 'legs' but even then they have hands instead if feet. It shows in their voice to, as it's just a mix of Jasper's and Lapis'. And now let's look at Steven and Amethyst, Smokey Quartz. The only additions is a third limb. They are a sibling relationship. Steven and Connie, Stevonnie, look completely human, 2 eyes, arms and legs. And although a factor of that could be due to Connie being human, they also have quite the good relationship. Taffy and Steven seem to have a good relationship, so they have 2 arms, eyes and legs.
CCC is also maybe like a Steven head taller than Steven and Taffy.
Not really the best design maker, but here was my best attempt. Have a nice day!
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