#I've also passed out from overheating/heatstroke several times
15; 25; 29 and 30: do you know how to swim?
Well howdy ',:) thank ya for the ask mon cheri
Rank the methods of death between burning, freezing, and drowning: 1 will be worst 3 will be best
1. Drowning. Suffocating is terrifying.
2. Freezing.
3. Burning.
I honestly can't explain why I deem it this way??? Probably because I almost drowned once 💀
Would I say I have good taste in music: Sure! Questionable, but objectively, the reasons I like certain songs are very good. I have certain preferences, yet an expansive taste that's got a little something for everybody.
My preferred pasta noodle: Good question. I like all kinds of pasta, but any shell-shaped noodles I like best, as well as angel hair. Does gnocchi count????
Can I swim: Yes! But admittedly, not well. I'm not very physically strong and my stamina sucks. I would easily drown.
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