#I've always been that way (RIP Mass Effect and watching my ex bf play it...then never wanting to play it myself bc I knew what happened)
ooc-miqojak · 10 months
Welp, time to go blacklist Baldur's Gate 3 as a tag, I guess, since people are spoiling the hell out of it left and right. Alas! I was enjoying people's character shots, but people can't restrain themselves from immediately posting late game spoilers to social media, so now I guess I don't get to see any BG3 content for a while (because if I just block the spoilers tag, people will just not tag their spoilers and I'll still find out things about characters I would rather discover on my own). The advent of social media was a curse, for things like shows/movies/games with stories to tell... people can't just talk to their friends privately about things anymore, and have to spoil the secrets of something that just came out for people en masse.
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