#I've been a fan of rooster teeth for a decade and decided to make this post to get my feelings out about everything
armenianwriterman · 16 days
So, I watched the Rooster Teeth goodbye stream because I had watched their stuff for more than a decade, and fuck, even after everything that company did, I still cried multiple times, especially during Patrick's speech. That place was a hot mess and to say it had crappy management is an understatement, but like Kdin said in their post, the average person there did care. And that passion showed in this stream. So many people there showed how much they cared about what they were doing, how much they were touched by the community, and how widespread the legacy of what they did was. To those people, I'm sorry you lost your job the way you did and hope you can find new work that you can enjoy soon. The work you did touched me and millions of others. Thank you for everything.
❤️🤍🖤💛 ⬛🟨🟨🟨🟨
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