#I've been destroying you guys emotionally for the past three chapters
In loving memory
Chapter 4/?
(This a story about the events of Clay's death from Aaron's perspective)
"Clay, it's good to have you back"
It looks like Merlock's spell worked and Clay is normal again, still stone but at least he's not trying to kill us anymore
I have no idea what happened here but according to Lance Clay lost his memory and started calling himself "Calamity Clay" which is the funniest name I've ever heard I might start calling him that
The atmosphere finally feels lighter and even the people of Nothing Hill are happy, they're throwing a big celebration!
Oops I mean Stinkin' Rich And Happy Hill that's what they call it now, that's why there's a celebration! they're finally rich enough to buy their hill back
I know we went to the king's party not too long ago but I can't say no to parties, especially after all the crying we did last night
Besides we didn't have much fun at that party anyways, we can stay and enjoy the celebration a little
I don't even remember what I was worried about for the last few days, probably something stupid and not important
Everyone is smiling and laughing and eating uh whatever that thing is
I can even see Clay standing over there all happy, I should go talk to him haven't had the chance to in a while
"Yo wassup dude!"
"Aaron, hello!"
"How's my buddy 'Calamity Clay' doing"
"Oh gods Lance already told you didn't he"
"Yep and I'm never calling you anything else ever again"
"Great a new pet name"
"You got it Calamity dear"
I point finger guns at Clay and he giggles
I really missed his smile, I'm glad he's back
"So how were you doing when I was um you know dead? How did you manage leading the team?"
Oh right, that's what I was worried about
"Um, I was uh fine! Totally nailed it it was so easy"
"Oh great I struggled sometimes with leading the team and I was worried that it'd be the same for you"
"Pfft- you? Struggle? Yeah sure nice one Calamity"
"It's not a joke I'm serious being a leader is hard sometimes"
"Wait you're really serious? Like really actually for real?"
"Um yeah?"
I never knew Clay was capable of struggling at something
He always knew what to do I never even considered that he might feel like this
And he still did all of that while literally dying? man this guy's hardcore
But he should be able to take a break now that I'm leader right?
Or will he be leader again since he's back?
Should I ask him? But it'd look like I'm trying to dump my responsibility onto him I don't want Clay to think I can't handle leadership
Well, I can't but he doesn't need to know that!
Should I just assume that I'm still leader until he says otherwise?
Wait what if he decided to be leader again when he sees how much of an incompetent leader I am? That'd be even worse
Aaaaaa what do I say
"Hello? Aaron you still there??"
"You zoned out are you ok? Is Something on your mind?"
"No, I'm fine don't worry"
I better change the subject before I start overthinking it
"Actually we ran into Jestro nearby I don't know what he's doing but he must be planning something"
"Jestro? We must stop him now-"
"Hey hey calm down dude these guys haven't had a chance to relax in a while we can stop Jestro after the celebration he can wait"
"...Alright we can stay a little longer but we have to stop Jestro as soon as possible"
Clay's being way more responsible than me right now what am I doing still being in charge
Damn it, I'm still overthinking it
Back at the fortress everyone is smiling and telling Clay how good it is to have him back
I missed this the sound of laughter the others' liveliness and everyone finally not being miserable for once
But I don't know how long it'll last Jestro is still out there with his mysterious evil plan
What if we lose someone again there certainly won't be any laughter after that
Man, why can't I just enjoy the moment? Do I have to make everything depressing?
"Hey, Aaron we're going to take Clay on a joyride wanna join?"
"Huh? Oh, no thanks I'm feeling a little tired"
Oh no why is Clay making that expression
"Aaron, are you ok? You seem a little down?"
"Yeah totally I'm o-"
"He's probably sad he's gonna have to sleep in his own bed again"
How does he know that?
"Wait what?"
"Yeah every night he sleeps in your bed"
"Hugging one of your shirts"
"Your room is basically his at that point"
How do they all know about this??
"Come on Aaron he's your boyfriend what are you getting embarrassed for"
I can feel my face going red
"Well you can still sleep in my bed if you want it's not like I'll be using it anyways"
I walk away Before anyone says another word
How do they even know that stuff? I made sure to always sleep after everyone and get up before them do they get up in the middle of the night just to watch me sleep? What else do they know? I can't have privacy here anymore
I hope their joyride makes them forget this we finally got Clay back and then they embarrass me in front of him?
I thought we were friends! Not cool!
"Hey, Aaron!"
Oh no not Clay
"Aaron wait I wanna talk"
I take a deep breath trying to stop my face from being so red
"Oh yeah? Great I love talking my favourite activity which I like to do often yup nothing better than talking"
Now I'M embarrassing myself
"I'm sorry about the others they didn't mean to embarrass you I promise"
"I know I know I might be overreacting"
"Also I'm serious you can sleep in my bed if yo-"
"Get out of my face Calamity don't you have a joyride to get to??"
"Oh yeah well aren't you going?"
"Nah I told you I'm tired, break some stuff on my behalf won't ya?"
"I'll do my best"
"Come on dude you can't fuck up breaking stuff especially when you're made of stone"
"Alright Alright I'll break ONE thing for you"
I turn around and head to my room
Welp gotta make a stop
"I love you"
"Love you too Calamity"
Each of us goes on their way
I'd love to go joyriding too but my head is too busy overthinking stuff
I'm starting to get a headache I won't be having any fun like that
I feel like this is going to be a long day
I stand in the kitchen as chef Éclair watches me in horror
I don't know why he's so scared for I just put the coffee powder in my mug filled it with water from the sink and put it in the microwave I haven't burned anything
As soon as the microwave dings Éclair hands me the mug and pushes me out of the kitchen
Ok dude chill what did I even do? Can't a man get some coffee?
After some more scolding from the chef I head to the main room where I find Ava typing at her keyboard like always
Does she ever get up from that chair? She basically lives there
"Hey Ay whatcha doing"
"Trying to track down Jestro until the others are back, speaking of which why aren't you with them?"
"Oh you know though I might sit this one out"
"And what's that?"
She says pointing at my cup
"Did you put some vodka shots in it or something?"
"What? No? It's just regular coffee"
"Wow who even are you?"
"What do mean??"
"The Aaron I know would rather have an energy drink instead of boring ol' coffee"
Well, maybe I'm not in an energy drink move? Maybe we ran out of energy drinks have you thought about that? Maybe I wanna try new stuff, Ava!
"You know what? I'm not gonna try to argue with you"
"Suit yourself, fake Aaron"
I go sit on the floor resting my back on Merlock's stand I'm sure he doesn't mind
Ava goes back to her keyboard I know she's doing a lot of work we couldn't have gotten that far without her but it all looks so boring
I can see Ava's point now, me? Watching her do work instead of going on a joyride with the others? Maybe she's right maybe I am a fake Aaron
Ava and Merlock keep talking about stuff with the castle's system and his digital memory or whatever I can't be bothered to pay attention
Luckily Robin comes back from who knows where he was
Finally! these guys are boring
"Hey, Aaron! I thought you went with the others?"
"Nah I'm still here"
"Aaron's been sitting around doing nothing and he's even drinking plain coffee"
"Woah! Who even are you?"
"That's what I said tell us where the real Aaron is you faker!"
"Yeah, he's gonna kick your butt once we find him!"
"Haha real funny you guys"
Robin sits on the ground next to me
"But seriously what's gotten into you? You're strange"
"Yeah yeah even I can't believe it but I guess being a leader changes you"
"If being leader did that to you then what about Caly what was he like before he became leader"
"Actually he was always like that it's kinda a him thing rather than a leader thing"
Robin thinks a little while I take a sip of coffee
"Wait so if I become a leader someday I'm gonna start acting like Clay too?"
"What do you mean 'too'? I'm not acting like Clay"
"Clay drinks coffee"
"Will you stop it with the coffee thing!"
I can't take it I get up
"I'm going to my room and I don't wanna talk with anyone until tomorrow"
"Sorry if I made you mad!"
"You're fine Robin don't worry about it"
I thought coffee was supposed to give me energy not make me even more tired
At least my head isn't hurting anymore
Drinking that coffee was a bad idea
I can't sleep now but I'm still too tired to get up and do something
If I don't find anything to do soon I might start thinking and I hate it when I do that!
It's not helping that the bed feels weird
Lance was right I am sad about not sleeping in Clay's bed maybe if I pretend it is his I might get some shut-eye
I hear knocking on the door who's annoying me in the middle of the night??
"I don't wanna talk to anyone right now!"
The door opens
"Wow even me? That's cold Aaron"
"Oh it's you done with your 2 hours of sleep"
"As a matter of fact yes! but that's not the point I just wanted to check in on you"
"You got out of bed to make sure I'm fine? Awww Calamity babe you didn't have to"
He sits next to me, I'd sit up too but I don't think I have the energy too
"What did you do while we were out?"
"Oh nothing much just sat around"
He looks at the empty mug on the table
"What were you drinking I didn't know you liked... mug drinks?"
"I'd rather not talk about it... anyways what did you break?"
"I broke a house window"
"Woah cool! What did the owner say? Did they chase after you?"
"Well no it was an abandoned house"
"Hey you only asked me to break stuff you didn't specify what kind of stuff"
"Yeah fair"
We're both silent as Clay runs his fingers through my hair
"Can't sleep?"
"Yeah it may or may not have to do with that mysterious 'mug drink' I had"
"Well I'm done sleeping for the night so you can sleep in my be-"
"Oh my gods Calamity stop talking about that!"
"Come on do you want me to tuck you in and sing you a lullaby?"
"Woooow I can't believe you'd do such a wonderful thing for me I'm reaaaally flattered yes Calamity tuck me in, sing me a lullaby and give me a kiss on the forehead please"
"Wait really?"
"Sarcasm, Calamity. Sarcasm"
Clay leans in and kisses my forehand
"Well even if that was sarcasm I'd still kiss you anyways"
"Oh my gods I love you so much"
"Love you too"
Caly lays down next to me
"Well, would it make you feel better if I sleep with you?"
"And ruin your only 2 hours of sleep a day schedule? How could I!"
"Maybe I can make an exception for you"
"Yeah I'd really love that"
"Is that sarcasm?"
Clay pulls me in for a hug
Hugging him feels so different now I mean yeah he's literally a rock but he moves around like normal I expected him to at least be a little warmer cause man I didn't know rocks were that cold
"Hey Clay?"
"Clay? Who's that I thought I was Calamity Caly now"
"Dude I'm trying to be serious right now"
"Heh ok ok what were you gonna say?"
"Maybe I wasn't so fine while you were gone"
"You don't say"
"Look I didn't wanna disappoint you so I said I was ok"
"Why would you ever disappoint me?"
"Clay I'm a horrible leader I couldn't even save a little town"
"Come on Aaron Macy told me about what happened in the castle you saved way more than that"
"But then I failed to save a single tiny town!"
I hide my face in his shoulder
"Clay I'm not the fearless knight you think I am"
"Aaron I didn't ask you to do this because you're fearless I asked you because you knew how to face those fears I know you have fears too in fact I know what's your biggest fear"
"Wait what? Really?:
"You're afraid of doing nothing"
"Am I?"
"Remember that time Jestro used our fears against us?"
"After that Ava told us to stay still while she reboots the system and you ran off screaming"
"Oh must've blocked it out of my memory"
"I know you were a good leader Aaron the others told me all about it"
Maybe I should ask him now
"Now that you're back are you gonna be leader again?"
Clay is quiet was it a bad idea to ask?
"I don't think I can Jestro still thinks I'm on his side if I lead the team he'll know I'm not"
"Oh yeah makes sense"
"I'm gonna ask you to push through a little longer maybe until Jestro catches onto us"
"So what're you gonna do? Just keep hiding? He's probably looking for you right now"
"You know I think I might have a plan"
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