#I've been doing a fuck ton of research on the two (dogs are my biggest special interest so this has been incredibly fun)
vitiateoriginator ยท 2 years
Before, my datemate and I were considering adopting a second cat once we move into our new apartment but now we're thinking about getting a dog instead ๐Ÿ‘€
#I'd personally like to adopt from a shelter#but my datemate suggested we either get a corgi or shiba inu instead#I've been doing a fuck ton of research on the two (dogs are my biggest special interest so this has been incredibly fun)#and we're starting to lean towards getting a cardigan welsh corgi#Im still interested in adoption tho so if I can't persuade my datemate that adopting a shelter mutt is better#I'd like to look into corgi rescues and see if we can get our new baby that way#save a life and give a dog a second chance yknow?#especially with how shady a lot breeders are its probably a little safer going this route#investing our love a d time helping a dog who needs a home vs buying a puppy who could potentially be coming from a bad place#that isn't to say I won't be doing a shit ton of research and investigation if we decide to adopt thru a breeder instead#if we do I will be asking to know and see the dog's family history of illnesses finding out death ages of related dogs#as well as insisting upon meeting the puppy in person along with their littermates and mother to see their conditions and their living spac#I will also do online research of the breeder themself and perhaps get in contact with other adopters of dogs they've sold#to see if any issues have been found with dogs from previous litters#my datemate's mom is also a dog trainer/groomer and former show dog owner and breeder so she has connections#and will be able to help us find someone who adopts out clean healthy puppies#she might also help us with training (which I will rightly compensate her for. we aren't moochers)#sp if we do shop instead pf adopt it will be done responsibly#but we're not that far yet. we aren't even 100% sure about getting a dog#rn this is all hypothetical#sam's rants about life
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