#I've been focusing on my spn rewatch this weekend
impalakiing · 7 months
thanks to a huge storm, my wifi has died rip. just when i was ready to be productive on here-- why does the universe hate me?? lmao. anyways i still have my 4g working on my phone so LIKE THIS for me to go through your memes tag and send you things! :]
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thebiggerbear · 8 months
Writing Updates - Feb 2024
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Hey guys! Sorry for all the spamming of masterlists lately, I'm just trying to get set up so when I come in to post works in the near future, it's bing, bang, boom and I don't have to spend so much time linking. It's just easier for me tbh. I will say though that I don't post any masterlist unless there is something currently being written/outlined for the character/ship/fandom. :)
I have a lot I want to accomplish over this year but for this month I'm primarily going to be focusing on:
AO3 Request One Shot - SDV Leah x Insecure!Reader
Tumblr Request One Shot - Dean x Angel!Reader
Chap 2 of Ghosts (I know I keep saying it but I promise I will get this out sooner rather than later, I'm still working on it, promise)
finishing the fleshing out of Part 2 of Follow Me
Jake Gray one shot (I am SO excited for this one, I recently rewatched this movie and this idea popped into my head, I really hope you guys like it!!!)
also gonna try to get out the Jake x Dakota one shot I had an idea for around the same time if I can
Another Jason Teague work that just popped into my head last week that I really want to dive into
another Multi-Character Prompt Response project (that will start delving into characters I've recently added to the character masterlist while also bringing back a familiar few)
the short story for Beau I previewed last month (it's basically written, I just have to go through and make some tweaks here and there)
A John Winchester one shot
A Benny Lafitte one shot
2 more Dean one shots
posting Chapter 1 for Keep Me Inside
revisiting Chapter 4 of Holding & Chapter 3 of Thunder
the one shot I previewed last month for CJ has actually turned into a prompt response so I would like to get that out along with its sister prompt response for another character
sequel to Dean's "Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
I'm currently also working with the Twi/HP/HL/SPN/GoT//MCU/TWD/Outlast characters/ships I've posted about and visiting those worlds/dynamics has been a lot of fun
a Whipplocke one shot that popped into my head over the weekend
and more! (not saying it will all get done by the end of Feb, but I do plan to dedicate my writing time to the projects listed)
I will be posting a sort of WIP masterlist soon. Ngl, it's huge (it's making my beta's head spin and want to pop off lol), but a lot of it is in groups, like the prompt responses.
If you'd like to be tagged for anything, please feel free to let me know in the tag form. I still have to update it but if there's anything not there that you've seen here or something you want to see, just let me know and I'll add you/add it. :)
Happy February!!!!
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