#I've been loving your drawings for weeks. Thank you for sharing your art
mega-aulover · 10 months
This is for the wonderful @gremlinddrawss who drew a wonderful Everlark This DRAWING Named the TEASE
thank you for your wonderful art...Rated T - unbeta'd - all mistakes are mine-
Katniss and Peeta’s first time was a few weeks ago, but since then they had been dancing around the other about doing it again. It wasn’t good. It was awkward, but the promise of more was there. The tension was thick between them. They exchanged shy glances. Anytime they brushed each other, Katniss would get goosebumps all over. Yesterday evening, Katniss felt flushed due to Peeta’s heated stare as she ate his flaky aromatic bread. Afterward, she’d poured water over her face to cool herself down. Cold showers were becoming the norm.
Katniss couldn’t take it anymore and she prepared.
Sunday morning Katniss couldn’t wait to spend the day with Peeta. He normally didn’t bake or paint on Sundays. It was their day to lounge about and do nothing. Katniss took a deep breath, as she dressed. It was chilly outside, and she wished for it to be warmer so that she could wear one of the pretty dresses that Cinna had designed. Instead, she wore a sweater her mother had knitted for her, on top of a crisp white shirt and comfortable pants.
She bounded down the stairs to find Peeta drinking his tea at the breakfast table. He had cooked a hearty breakfast of thick fluffy pancakes, and mounds of bacon and eggs. Typically Katniss would've devoured the food, but today she had a different breakfast in mind. She had a game in mind, something pleasurable.
“Morning,” Peeta said as he took a sip of his tea.
“Where are you ticklish,” Katniss blurted, she felt the way heat flooded her cheeks.
Peeta spat out his tea. “I’m sorry,” he said immediately grabbing a towel to dry himself off.
The situation made her want to laugh. A small giggle escaped her lips and it was followed by an unfeminine chortle.
Peeta began laughing.
“What was that about,” he asked when the mirth died down.
Katniss took a deep breath, “I want to…” Her cheeks burned, and even her hands looked flushed. “You know… upstairs.”
Katniss took his hand and gently tugged him forward as a way of answering his question. Peeta followed behind obediently. When they were both kneeling on the bed, Katniss noticed he shared her goofy grin.
“You first,” Katniss said biting her lip, glancing up at Peeta from beneath her lashes.
Peeta nodded and reached out and tugged off her sweater.
Katniss jovially raised her arms. Her head got wedged in the sweater, and he laughed when it finally came off. She began snorting like a pig and couldn’t help herself.
“That was graceful!” Peeta began laughing.
Couldn’t help but feel giddy and laughed a full belly laugh, as she said, “Capitol worthy!”
“You would make Effie proud with that level of etiquette,” Peeta said his blue eyes shining.
Katniss loved the fact that she could be her authentic self with Peeta. There was no pretension, no expectations, he loved her unconditionally. Her heart bee-bopped in her chest, as she leaned forward to take his sweater off. “You next.”
His muscular torso appeared slowly. Katniss was taking it slow, enjoying the show.
“Kanmifff,” Peeta said from behind his sweater.
Katniss suddenly became nervous and pulled his sweater off, dragging his head down. She could hear his laughter at her jerky movements. He then snorted loudly.
This caused her to smile uncontrollably. “I think you missed some of those classes on etiquette.”    
“I think you ripped my ears off,” Peeta said.
Katniss leaned forward and gently placed her hands on his face, giving him a teasing smile, gently cupped his face. “Real,” she whispered, as she gave him a kiss on each ear. Then she whispered, “Catch me if you can baker boy.” Katniss popped off the bed and ran.
Peeta sat there momentarily stunned, as she opened their bedroom door Katniss could hear him laugh-shout, “TEASE!”
She laughed as she ran out, anticipating the chase, this was one of the good games to play.  
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