#I've been sketching Ganon nonstop since the trailer it's not even funny y'all
sass-squat · 1 year
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Part 7 of the Linked Universe Winged Au (LUWAU)! After many requests and a very long wait we've got our boy, Hyrule!
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As per tradition here at Sass-Squat enterprises we have to start off with a little bird fact, so did you know that Henslow's Sparrows have the simplest and shortest song of any North American songbird? Their song is often described as a "feeble hiccup," and while they sing primarily sing at dawn and dusk, they are well known for sometimes singing all night long!
Anyways, I thought this was an interesting little fact because Hyrule oftentimes refers to himself as nothing more than a, "humble traveler" so I believe him having a simple "feeble hiccup" of a song matches that same energy.
However, Hyrule is heavily based off of a Henslow's Sparrow in my Winged Au for a multitude of other reasons aside from just his song. Hyrule is a such a sweet, simple guy, so I felt that it was right to assign him a bird that matches his down to earth nature, and a Henslow's Sparrow seemed the right fit in both appearance and behavior.
An example of their behaviors matching his own is the fact that Henslow's Sparrows take flight only with great reluctance, preferring to flee from threats by simply running through the grass. Before joining the chain, Hyrule was alone for the vast majority of his life both canonically and in this headcanon. As a result of this, he never really had anyone teach him how to properly preen or take care of his wings so they fell into a pretty disastrous state. This damage to his wings and flight capability didn't really bother him too much though, because much like a Henslow's Sparrow, he generally preferred walking as it was a safer, less conspicuous option of travel when he had monsters constantly hunting him down. The chain have all since helped him with his preening habits however, and he is doing much better but he still generally prefers walking over flying.
Another example of similar behaviors is that sparrows are oftentimes symbolic of productivity, cooperation, teamwork, and finding joy in the little things of life. Additionally, their spirits are said to be great at problem-solving and are capable of thriving in difficult environments. If that doesn't describe Hyrule then I genuinely don't know what does. He may not be as fast or strong as the other members of the chain, but he is very hardworking and he has a strong sense of determination and perseverance that really makes him shine in difficult situations.
Anyways! I could continue and go on for hours, but that's got to be all for now folks! Thank you all again for your kind words and comments! They always make me laugh and never fail to make my day. As always, feel free to ask any questions or simply leave requests for who or what you would like to see next and I will try my best to get to them all as soon as possible! Thank you all again!
P.S. I wanted to personally let @miadancer24 that I finally drew her boy! I promise I've seen your comments friend! :D I'm sorry it took so long to finish him!
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