#I've got this other crossover project to where I'm putting other arcsys characters into the bb world
I saw your Blazblue Pokemon stuff and I was wondering if you were going to do one for Ragna. He'd totally fit a Dark-Type trainer (b/c F-you Ghost types). I imagined Absol and Houndoom as candidates for his team.
As a matter of fact, I do! Ragna is one of the characters that I've already started a sort of concept draft for his team. Here's what I have in mind at the moment.
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Since it's just a concept, I can't guarantee that all of these Pokemon will make the final cut, whenever I get around to posting it properly.
When I make the posts for the blog, I like to go one Pokemon at a time and try to really think about their movesets, to tie them into the character's abilities or playstyle in the BB series. I haven't started analyzing Ragna's kit yet, so it'll likely be a while before I'm able to start sharing my final version of his team.
For now, I just have a few vague story ideas.
Absol would be a Pokemon that Ragna met the day the church was attacked, while he was gone getting water. It later appeared a few times during his youth while he was training. Eventually, once he and his team were strong enough, he caught it. It feels like an old friend to him. I'm considering naming it Aramasa, after his sword.
Crobat would be Ragna's real starter. I like the idea of Ragna having a Pokemon with a friendship-based evolution, because he's such a sweet, sincere guy under the surliness. I think Zubat would be a good gift Pokemon, directly from Rachel, as in BB proper it was through her that he gained the Azure Grimoire. She's always been the one to grant him his first weapon.
Zangoose is the natural enemy of Seviper, a Pokemon I plan to have on Hazama and Terumi's teams. I have a vague idea that he'd choose to catch this Pokemon specifically because he wants a counter to that Seviper. I also think Zangoose suits Ragna's aesthetic.
Midnight Lycanroc is another that I think suits his aesthetic well. It loves to fight, even at the risk of its own health. It gets rebellious if its Trainer isn't making it strong. I think it might be a fun nod to the darker parts of Ragna's relationship with the Azure Grimoire, the Black Beast, and his desire for the power needed to enact his revenge, no matter the cost. Also, Ragna mostly travels at night, making it reasonable for him to evolve a Rockruff into this form.
I hadn't considered Houndoom yet, but I might need to. Since I haven't started thinking too hard about Ragna's team, so I didn't even think about that Dark- and Ghost-Type connection. That's smart and fun, I'll have to keep it in mind!
Also, just in general, it's a lot of fun to play with these ideas, and to hear what other people come up with. I'd definitely encourage others to play around with the concept. Crossovers can be fun, especially when putting an absolutely ridiculous amount of thought into them.
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