#I've literally sat here tab open for this ask since the moment you sent it
solemnrosary · 5 years
1, 11, 20, and 25?
Thank you for asking!~ Oh you chose all the long ones okay we’ll be here for a while so buckle up :’D 
[1] If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to? 
Hummm…Hercule Poirot, in any medium. I just adore that genre and Poirot crystallizes the positive aspects of it to me, he represents this patient and elegant guile that fascinates me to no end. I’d love to embody Poirot in that sense. I am a fan of Sherlock and miss Marple and such, but Poirot takes the cake. I also want the moustache. ALSO! Nick and Nora Charles from those old old black and white movies. They are adorable. Umineko no Naku koro ni is also, and amazing and aggravating and hilarous and heartwrenching mystery that I’d recommend. It’s hard to sit through, but I loved it and cried my eyes out at the end. As far as books go, similar vibe but more fantasy. I still love Runemarks by Joanne Harris (available in finnish too btw) because I laughed heartily at Loki’s introduction. Loki in general, when it comes to Prose Edda and such, really vibes with my life. 
Music is a bit hard to recommend, because I listen to a massively broad selection? Not kidding I have hundreds upon hundreds of bookmarks in tens of folders just for music alone. I have a larger list somewhere in the ask meme tag, but for short here’s a few I’m in the mood for today
Sting & Cheb Mami - Desert Rose  Martynas - Hungarian Dance No.5 in G MinorKATICA - ANIKÓ- FERENC- CSABA ILLÉNYI - Libertango Dance of the Damned by Peter GundryLindsey Stirling - Mirage (Feat. Raja Kumani)Dark Sarah - “Dance With The Dragon” feat. JP Leppäluoto 
[2] Describe your ideal day
Ideal day begins with a great night. No nightmares, preferably waking feeling refreshed, maybe even a good dream in there? Wake up feeling warm and fuzzy or ready to throw fists with the world! I’d wake up around 9 maybe, and remember to take my medication I’d have taken a shower the previous evening so my hair is soft as heck! I wouldn’t wake up at home, preferably, maybe at a friend’s place? 
I’d brew a strong cup of Assam with a dash of milk, chilling in jammies. Soak in the morning sun, listening to a podcast or some funny show. Maybe it’s a really fresh spring day so we could go sightseeing or visit bookstores or the harbour and cafes, or maybe it’s raining and there’s a huge thunderstorm so we just chill, play games, read, watch movies and joke around. Alot of tea, maybe ice cream, some good foods and great company, maybe dnd? Just, a good stress free day! 
Want to make it even better? Make that day after I’ve gotten rid of dysphoria and throw in some romance and voilà, I am a happy happy pumpkin. 
[3] Would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
Hmmm a tough one. Middle Earth is like, amazing but only if you get to choose who you are and when you get to live. And whether you ever encounter the WORST SPIDERS EVER. But that elven architecture has me horny so I’d definitely dig it. Also, hot elves. Narnia is way too meh for me, just, eh? Not very exciting, so nah.Hogwarts, AGAIN WITH THE SPIDERS WHY. Also, I’d want to be a ravenclaw and play with magic and stuff, but also I’d have to live in Britain with absolutely horrible magical ministry of bullshit and just fuck that noise. Also really dangerous and bleak in pretty much every way. Too real and too fucked up with house elves and shit. A big big nah. So woo I guess Middle Earth wins! I’ll just live in Rivendell and hope shit doesn’t hit the fan and I get hot elves to cuddle.
I swear it’s like someone’s baiting me“You get to live in this really cool fantasy” “!!! :D”“but there’s huge spiders in it” “!!! >:U”
[4] could you live as a hermit?
Technically, I could. I just don’t ever want to.
And I’m just gonna throw it out there, no one should. 
You need human interactions to retain a sense of self and sense of a world outside of your own being. 
Granted, you don’t to go out having parties and socialise when you feel like you don’t want to, but I think it’s absolutely vital to one’s sanity that you have the option to. An option to have autonomy in your relations to other beings, as long as it is not harmful. You can live with minimal human contact and a bunch of cats, or move into the mountains by yourself and stuff, but you do need contact. Be it once a week or however long, be communication method whatever it is you can and feel comfortable doing, mulling in only your own thoughts is not healthy. 
We need each other to survive and a community to keep us who we are. 
We exist in the relation to our surroundings, and without each other, we lose a large portion of ourselves and our values in the process. 
I think we all should have autonomy to decide how and when and why we interact with each other, and to correlate it with our own energy and ability to do so, without being pressured into it. So, shortly, to have one friend or a dozen, to speak or sign or nod or smile, do interact how ever and how often you wish, as long as you do, and can, interact. 
I’ve, unfortunately, gained experience into this field during my own life-R
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